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Posts posted by MickyEnglish

  1. I have had few issues with my Maitreya 4.1 mesh avatar. Generally, I have been happy with it.  Until now. The problem is with the appearance of a bladder-like object (seen by my right leg n the picture) When I load up my avatar, this "bladder" appears together with a number of warning triangles. Clicking the bladder seems to indicate some kind of system issue.  Thinking it was an issue with texture knitting together, I have let my avatar build, but to no avail.  Any help please?

    daphne avatar issues_001.png

  2. Some weeks ago, several viewers (Second Life, Firestorm, etc) encountered an issue whereby the image of the viewer does not fit the screen.  This was understood to be a problem created after an update for several Intel graphics systems.   A number of "fixes" were suggested but as for myself, I have been unsuccessful in combating this issue.  I have since been able to get my SL working fairly normally by using the Full Screen option (on Firestorm).

    I appreciate that this problem may be something for Intel to fix, but is there any further new as to solution?

  3. Several weeks ago I bought a Slink Physique mesh body for my avatar.   While I am generally happy with the result, I am a touch frustrated with the shoulder area.

         When I wear a shirt or jacket I can't seem to hide the skin colour between the neck and the shoulders.  I have tried using the alpha HUD but this is to no avail

        Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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