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Everything posted by AmelieSeul

  1. Thank you for responding!! <3 Yes, because the prim I want to use is no transfer, so it's not full perm and I cannot use the built-in thing! That's the best option, but the item cost me money (plus it's cute!) so I want to use it. ^ u ^ Thank you!!!
  2. Hello everyone! I'm looking for a script that will have a "buy" option window with a set amount of money (like "50L$") when prim is clicked. When the "50L$" button is clicked, they pay and the item is dispensed. I feel like that was the worst explanation in the world. xD Just a simple vending script! Some of them I've tried require access to my linden dollar amount, which I'm trying to avoid! Is there a script that does not have that requirement? Thank you! <33333333 I ended up buying a script by Meli Imako for 100L$. :)
  3. Hello everyone! I'm looking for a script that will have a "buy" option window with a set amount of money (like "50L$") when prim is clicked. When the "50L$" button is clicked, they pay and the item is dispensed. I feel like that was the worst explanation in the world. xD Just a simple vending script! Some of them I've tried require access to my linden dollar amount, which I'm trying to avoid! Is there a script that does not have that requirement? Thank you! <33333333 I ended up buying a script by Meli Imako for 100L$. :)
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