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Everything posted by mypixlalt

  1. Ha hey! The things you listed sound way better then they actually are, well IMO. Vistiting an amusement park or zoo sounds great but it's usually empty and made of old builds. As far as I remember my last trips at least. Parachuting off the eiffel tour sounds great but it's over in like 10 seconds and wasn't fun at all, well unless you're drunk or doing it with others..
  2. Tari: Hobbies can include anything from getting a new pet, to sim hopping, finding new rl places in sl that you've never seen before, wandering aimlessly, going to an arcade or amusement park, various sports in sl(there are TONS, even if you hate sports, some sl ones are actually a lot of fun, way more than their rl counterpart). Hobbies don't have to just be what you'd do in rl, or artsy sorts. The world of sl is so much larger and more accessible than the rl one is for almost all of us. Go bungy jumping, fly a plane into an ocean, ride your bike on the freeway/highway, sit down at the zoo and talk with a gorilla, visit art museums and make fun of what some think is art(not to their faces of course-and yes I know that sounds mean ), take up gardening, go surfing, parachute off the eiffel tower-or even ... ___________________________________________________________ (No idea how to quote) It always sounds like soo much fun! And then SL reality hits..
  3. Hmm, difficult case. Maybe try family roleplay, where you could play the little teenage brat!
  4. Your situation sounds probably familiar to a looot of people. Does to me. It sounds like SL has become a routine and even though you are bored and don't know what to do, you still don't wanna log off. Could be time to pull the plug or take a break. I'm on and off, after a year of being away, SL sounds like fun in my head again but it quickly becomes major boring again. IMO it all depends on the people you find, sometimes you hit the jackpot and it's great for a couple of weeks or month.. Till it all goes to **bleep**, people get busy or interests shift. Time for the next break..
  5. Ha, cool ty! I don't play much atm doh, tc!
  6. I wouldn't sign that new residents only staying a month has much to do with mesh (or that creating content seems more difficult because of it). Some time ago, before mesh, I read something about content creators/merchants (not sure what the criteria was to fall under this category) being only a small percentage of the population. It was really low, like under 10%. I just remember being very surprised! I personally looove mesh, I only buy mesh clothes, I love mesh furniture and mesh houses and mesh avatars!
  7. Sorry to hear! Years ago I have had it happen too and LL reopened the sim for a bit (the former landloard arranged that doh at least). I also had a store and it was really annoying! I have been renting the same plot from anshe for over 2 years now. I like the consintancy and there is was always someone online so far whenever I had a question. Maybe check them out.
  8. I kinda want to punch you in the face after reading this! (Am I aloud to say that here?) It was also entertaining at the same time lol. The part where you called her crazy or whatever haha, I could almost picture you typing and laughing with your head tilting back. Think you are a bit crazy yourself there I didn't like the part where you considered making her jealous on purpose in the future, thats just $hitty! Don't be that person.
  9. I am a bit shocked, well more surprised about how casually you throw away paypal accounts. It's not sl, you know I would think that may even have a negative effect on your credit (some paypal interna rating at least)? Could anyway. You could make a new bank account, link that and stick with it this time, then the trouble would be worth it. Must be 10 years ago when I opened my paypal account and still use it a lot, I respect it as a bank account though. Never had a problem, but sorry yea that does't help you at all right now.
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