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Everything posted by MelodyHighnote

  1. For the longest time I was using Galaxy News Radio, a stream that recreated the music station of the same name from Fallout 3, due to it's timeless classic songs from the 1920s up through the 1950s. But the whole thing, even the site for it, seems to be down. So I would like some help finding a new stream that plays nonstop "Fallout era" (1920s through 1950s) or "Bioshock era" (1920s thrugh 1960s) music. Or at least some tips on finding specific stream types.
  2. Charly Muggins wrote: MelodyHighnote wrote: Now if this was GameFAQ... ...you could GameFAQ off. My sincerest apoogies.I used a bad choice of wording, everybody does that, but what I put there was inexcusable regardless of what I actually meant because of how she took it and because of how badly I worded it. I simply meant to say that I did not mean to say those were my experiences. Then I went on to express my surprise that a thread I left so it could die back on the 27th was still being posted in. But yeah, the pacing of the words was rather rough.
  3. I didn't mean to offend anyone. My sincerest apologies. I just meant that once I am done with a thread I tend to leave it and if I come back to my posting history or the forum I posted it in and find the thread is still being posted in it comes to me as a shock, since I left the thread to let it die. And ah, maybe my friend HAD missed a few rules or something.
  4. OP: Maybe you missed their rules note card. I don't know you, and I have no idea who you are referring to, so if I had to make a guess, that would be one of them. Another might be 'they were having a bad day' or 'they like to see non avian avatars fly' or 'they simply did not like the sight of (whoever.)' How can we tell you more, when you've been there and we have not? I never said that was MY experience, I make a point to fit the theme and rules before doing anything. Also I pretty much got all the information I needed on the first page, then left the thread to let it die. Now if this was GameFAQs I could lock my threads when I was through with them... but not many forums like to give users that kind of freedom with their own threads.
  5. Trust me, I know better than to go to a place called "sexy island" as a little kid or a serious Old West sim as a dinosaur lol.
  6. I was talking about places like casual hangouts and a person in charge simply does not like a certain avatar theme so he or she kicks people just because of how the person expressed himself or herself even though it did not break any stated rules or themes.
  7. I heard about something that is apparently common here. As in a people could look like a dog, a MLP pony, an anime character, a child, a dionsaur, an anthro animal, or whatever., Then they go to a place that does NOT say "DO NOT BE ANY OF THESE THINGS" anywhere, and get ejected by a mod or security bot.. But they come back as a realistic adult human and nothing happens, no banning or ejection whatsoever.. I've actually heard about that sort of thing happening. Though to me, any place that does that is probably is not worth my time . This is supposed to be a fun fantasy world so unless there is some theme that would indicate things like children, dinosaurs, or cartoon characters are not appropriate to the setting... *Edited because I had a badly thought out wording...
  8. Melita Magic wrote: I don't agree. If a stranger IMs, it's usually a pick up attempt. I don't think a friendly person wanting to ask an innocent question via IM would be threatened by a request in a profile that people not IM her to flirt. Once she's gotten more used to SL and gotten into some group chats or smoething where it's more common for someone to IM you from the group chat, and things like that, she will probably feel more at ease with unsolicited IMs, and feel more ready to shut down any unwanted ones. Usually people put up barriers like that when they are new to a place. If someone can't respect her boundary and talk to her in local chat, or if a stranger needs to talk about something that can't be talked about in local chat, those are both red flags in my opinion. But then I don't have a big need to chat with strangers where inappropriate. Ah, well I have group chats and I will occasionally IM friends over some stuff. I've mostly found my niche spots though and am not a social butterfly who can easily have one on one conversations with every single person around,..
  9. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: It is your right not to answer an IM and also your right to request that people don't IM you for flirting, or when in the same place where you are, or for unimportant things (whatever that means). But I think you are limiting yourself too much and will miss out on a lot of good conversations. If I saw you that you want no IM's for all these reasons, I probably would not have any interaction with you. Not because I have anything against you or want to flirt either. I personally prefer IM's for conversation and don't pay much attention to room chat. It is easier to have a real conversation with someone or a group of people without all the other room chat gestures and spam that is not relevant being mixed in. The only place or time I would use open chat for any length of time would be when and where only the people I am socializing or doing business with were around. Pretty much all my friends are the same. While it is your right to do so, by saying no IM's for all the reasons you state, people may not initiate any conversations with you at all and if you try to initiate them they may not see it or may not wish to continue it long in open chat. Some people may even find it a bit anti social or rude. Good point.
  10. Malanya wrote: I understand that's why keep moving is the best thing IMO. Your view isn't wrong, it's up to you what you feel comfortable with. People can be hurtful especially where they are not facing the person and can be anonymous. Don't look at it as making enemies, just look at it as knowing from the start it's not someone you want to be friends with. Have fun!
  11. Malanya wrote: Tari's explanation was perfect. We all don' share the same point of views. Local chat is not private and I believe if you mute the person who is making you uncomfortable it would block you from seeing their chat in local also, I could be wrong. If someone flirts with you in local, send them an message that you prefer an IM. Sometimes those titlers don't easily show which avatar they belong to, I have seen them float high and I could not figure out who was wearing it. Just keep in mind that some may disagree with your point of view, there is no right or wrong either way. I think many people like to openly flirt so I would let them know in an IM and if someone gets mad at what you prefer, then keep moving until you find someone that shares your feelings about it Ah ok. I just take it hard whan a nice seeming person just chooses to completely shut me out over something rather than talk it out. I hate making enemies and try to be friendly with as many people as I can.
  12. Tari Landar wrote: Just as others ought to respect, even if they don't understand or agree, that you don't want private ims, you have to understand that others don't share your views. Not everyone sees an im as something necessarily private, let alone perverted. Sometimes it's just the easiest way to have a direct conversation with someone. Even if you put a hovertext script over your head, there is no guarantee others will see it. If you really do not want private ims, I would put it in your profile. People are more likely to see that. Not everyone will read it. Some will still im you, but probably not as many otherwise. If I imd you, couldn't see the text above your head and your profile says nothing about ims, I'm not sure it's reasonable to assume I know you don't want them. You have to tell people and I don't think a hovertext is a wise way to do that. Not that you've done something wrong or anything. You just have an opinion others might not share. As for being muted, it may have something to do with what you told the person when they imd you, or what you had in text over your head. Sometimes our approach seems fine to us but to others not so much. The person did not IM me anything. All I did was publicly and welcomingly say "hi" as a reply to a public greeting and the person replied by saying she ("?" since most females on here including myself are actually male) didn't want to talk to someone with that stance upon seeing my hovertext. o_O
  13. Profaitchikenz Haiku wrote: A lot of roleplayers add something about IMs to their profile or in their picks because of the convention that local chat must be used for emotes and utterences, allowing everybody else the chance to participate and observe, while IMs are for non-storyline communications. I haven't seen anybody add it to their tag or title, though, but it sounds like you just nrushed past a prickly individual. How do you know you were muted? Ah, I don't really roleplay beyond putting a personality to my avatar's mannerisms. I was at a social spot and someone was like "Well if you are going to say THAT you're a jerk and I'm going to mute you" upon seeing the text hovering above my avatar's head stating that I do not want to be privately chatted with by someone in earshot range if it is not important. Idk, I'm kind of scarred by perverts in every virtual world who use private chats to avoid publicly ostracizing themselves. On Playstation Home and Gaia Online I wouyld reply to them using the public channels even just to deny them a private conversation.
  14. Madeline Blackbart wrote: MelodyHighnote wrote: I am generally not comfortable with private chats with people who are in "ear" shot. My experience with those kinds of messages and chats in any virtual world is that such chats are usually for flirting, and I do not come online for love. Additionally in real life any flirty lines you would not say in earshot of everyone would probably be considered grade A pervert material in mixed company so I dislike when a person opens a private chat just to flirt with me. Heck half the time the stuff I was privately messaged over the course of my virtual world experience WAS perverted. I usually only use private chat to communicate with people who are too far away. If it is something I cannot say openly in that space I wait until I am somewhere else. I tried putting a tag on my avatar explaining my stance on being flirted with or privately chatted with over unimportant things and it ticked someone off to the point that I was muted without being given a chance to explain myself or apologze. As long as you hadn't put it rudly in your profile (which is blank now?) then you have no reason to worry. It's your right not to want to be flirted with in private chat. You don't need to apoligize to someone because something makes you uncomfortable. If they can'tunderstand then just ignore them and move on. It was a hovering text script attached directly to my hair on my in-universe avatar. I don't really roleplay aside from giving my avatar mannerisms and a clothing style. My profile? I don't know what to put on it.
  15. I am generally not comfortable with private chats with people who are in "ear" shot. My experience with those kinds of messages and chats in any virtual world is that such chats are usually for flirting, and I do not come online for love. Additionally in real life any flirty lines you would not say in earshot of everyone would probably be considered grade A pervert material in mixed company so I dislike when a person opens a private chat just to flirt with me. Heck half the time the stuff I was privately messaged over the course of my virtual world experience WAS perverted. :/ I usually only use private chat to communicate with people who are too far away. If it is something I cannot say openly in that space I wait until I am somewhere else. I tried putting a tag on my avatar explaining my stance on being flirted with or privately chatted with over unimportant things and it ticked someone off to the point that I was muted without being given a chance to explain myself or apologze. :/
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