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Vagos Melson

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Everything posted by Vagos Melson

  1. Why do i have to worry about the tier , when the seller do not bother of supporting customers ?? LoL
  2. okkkkkk That explains all ...... Thank you ..... It also replies my own question im ny first reply, that i can make a fake shop, comment the // llGiveInventory in vendor script , sell nothing and LL wont do anything !!! Great !!!! LoL
  3. ... also, if a delivery_script fails because of a server error, whose fault is it ???????
  4. of course not ..... When i login, i login in Second Life, not in Residents' e-commerce shop ..... Credit card does not say Residents name in statment I am always in Second Life ... If LL not protect people who will ?????? Someone loses Ls and money and LL can not support ???????
  5. I know that sometimes scripts not working for various reasons. But, i guess , sellers know that also, If a seller can not provide support because he is on holidays , why he does not close the store for that period ?? I buy something now, they charge me now, and i want the item i bought now, or at least soon. It has happened to me many times (i am not that new in sl), but i got support in one day and i got the item i bought ..... For some reasons that i do not care, the delivery_script did not work while the payment_script did work well..... It is not my business if the one script calls the llGiveInventory while the other not..... Do i have to wait the seller for 5 weeks of no-desire-to-connect-to-Second-Life ? Are you kidding me ? But, my question is not Where-is-the-seller-for-holidays...... I asked , why Lindens not support and protect people ...... This thing (game or not, i do not care how you call it), got some real money. Why they do not do something ???? What if the seller not come back never again ? What if the seller come back after 5 weeks ??? I do not want the item then ...... (redeliver terminal could be a good solution, but no, there is not)
  6. Its has been over a week from the time she bought the clothes. But, let me put it in another way. It is a game. Someone spends some real money in here, and the game steals the money. If Lindens can not do anything to protect people from a non-working-delivering-script , it is that simple for me.
  7. So, i can make a fake store, not selling anything, just take people's money , and game operators wont do anything !!!! Great !!!
  8. My gf bought some clothes from a store inworld. Clothes not delivered. She contact the seller, but no reply. Again and again. She contact the Linden team , anf they say that they can do nothing and just keep contact the seller ..... What if the seller not login ever again in game ???? So, someone takes real money in a game, because of a script not delivering the items, and game operators can not do anything ??????????????
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