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Posts posted by Minetheree

  1. Sonja,

    I hear what you are saying here, and some of the issues you refer to are in fact a problem anyplace but SL.

    If you are looking for something different, and doing innovative things for a commercial grid [meaning much more is actually happening now that is NOT in the handful of commercial grids], then you might consider looking into Kitely.

    Their pricing in in line with current technology, you can get a free but limited use region to play with, and it is NOT an overly commercialized mini SL at all.

    More info can be found here;

    http://www.kitely.com/ [pricing and other info]

    and here;

    http://www.kitely.com/forums/index.php [where much of the social aspects currently are]

    My personal interests are with the free Metaverse aspects, non-commercial and no-currency, but Kitely is a very good option to see other commercial type ones and is running current OpenSim code which of course has had mesh for several years, and other very cool things going on.


  2. I understand completely, or as best I can in this medium.


    Perhaps you may find this person interesting also, as he is a Native American, and runs several regions in the Metropolis Grid, he is also a good friend.




    Neither of those people require you to use g+, I am simply pointing them out due to what you are saying, and you can read what they say and some of what they do there, if you wish to.


    I am not sure of the lingo on that link you give, but perhaps cisgender refers to another friend, tho I am also not sure of what she calls herself...and please forgive me for not being "up to speed" on current terminologies...I am a bit old and not able to keep up well anymore.




    In any case, whatever comfort place you find, is wonderful-))

  3. Hi,

    Possibly you may wish to join g+ , or add this person if you already are using it...Buni is a wonderful, outspoken, black woman who is also an Indie Author...and a good friend of mine.

    She is very sharing and has skins and shapes you may like too, free...and free places to set as home if desired.


  4. It's much worse than illiteracy in that grid, I can assure you...lol


    And one other is comprehension, which Judy also apparently lacks, since none of what she said even makes sense.


    inwz is only a small backwards niche grid, heck, just in the prims thing alone, Kitely and the rest of open sim have it completely beat.


    Kitely offers 100k prim region and in free opensim I once loaded 381k prims on a region and stopped due to being tired...lol


    Anywho, back to the peanut gallery, I had just noted some entry stats to my blog so thought I would come see if anything interesting or new was going on.

  5. Not that I care for inwz at all but to be fair, the exhanges that are currently done are done by [removed link as it seemed to not be allowed here when I did one before...google theinbiz] and as I used to work with Anna I know her to be pretty sharp.

    I would have to sift thru a lot of IMs on my computer to find where it is in SL....but I used to use it myself some time back.

    Of course this could all be changed now also as I have not been in that grid since February. And of course SL has changed it's own rules for which I have no clue or interest in either.

    I expect she has everything covered but of course I could be wrong [would not be the first time nor will it be the last time]-))

    just fyi stuff...

  6. Actually, there are some concerns raised in several regards in these matters.

    The Kitely Grid, which, btw, I would recommend highly for many reasons you can read about by searching for it, does not cash out at all due to their feeling this is a problem. 100k prims per region and the least expensive region pricing in the commercial aspect of the Metaverse is only 2 good reasons.

    One can still use SL and Kitely at the same time of course.

    I do not know all the ends and outs to this now as it no longer concerns me, I play in the free metaverse now.

    However, their forums are a good place to discuss it intelligently. They do, however, in the marketplace, allow payments for items to your paypal account in USD, which is unique and interesting.

    Inworldz does have people, if you know them, who will exchange lindens by way of simply passing the lindens to izzies in both directions individually. Regular residents, that is. I have no clue if any of their family/friends/owners do such things.

    Also, the Inbiz Market, a third party run MP, has an exchange but I have no clue of it's current status in all this either.

    For commercially oriented folx I think the Kitely owners likely have a good eye to how this should be done nowadays. For those who wish to throw off the commercialistic shackles grids such as Metropolis, OSGrid, Francogrid, or Craft would be ideal.

    You haz options, and cool ones.


  7. I don't know what people you refer to, but from my own knowledge and from being out in the Metaverse, that grid is known as the "Drama" grid.


    I have sometimes said that it has more drama per capita then sl....but, yes, since there are not near as many people there, it is harder to find....go there more often, you will find it tho, I promise-))


    I just had an old dj friend of mine, who travels grids, but is mostly in sl and inwz, do some sl to email to sl talk where he actually wanted me to come in and add to "his" drama going on there...concerning known drama makers....i was astounded he would even think that would be interesting to me at all....lol


    some ppl get so invested in drama they no longer see it for what it is, and just want to get others to join them in it....i actually had to just come out and tell him straight up i have absolutely no interest in that, and even if i had, i deleted the grid from my viewer and deleted the passwords from my doc file....i expect he will eventually move on too...lol


    there really is no point in wasting efforts going there, one of the reasons i finally left for good is it was just very boring...traveling the Meta is lots more fun and meeting so many interesting people who have their eyes more open is what i like now.


    Besides, my 2 fav singers in sl tried inwz some time back and did not like it, so I get to listen to them here-)) [Gina Gracemount and Josie Anderton]

  8. well, yes, I think I made it clear, that at least, for now, it will stay up.

    Frankly, I had thought they would find a way to get google to remove it...lol...so it surprises me daily it is still there when I wake up and go thru my stats...tho it is all backed up of course...as all things computer related of any value should be..imho...and which one can't even do in most commercial grids except Kitely, so far, anways.

    I guess google is more into freedoms of expression than inwz folx are-))

    There are 22 posts in that particular blog and I add more as the mood strikes me [basically stream of consciousness nonsense] and update a couple or so that are for such purposes.

    I only add to the inwz one when I note new entry stats to it and when, at the same time, I feel like it...lol...I do add to the comments sometimes with things I see but it is a kinda "why not" thing.

    Basically, I just don't care and as I said, it is a grid that is not relevant as I see the Metaverse evolving....so I don't wish to spend much efforts concerning it other than watching things as I do with all things Metaversum as best I can.

    I look at the overall "big picture" kinda thing now...or try to...and to me inwz is a backwards grid run by a few dozen ppl with selfish agendas...that I know this, and others don't, is sad, but nothing I am interested in going on any crusade about, and, I never was-))

    I actually prefer SL for a commercial grid, and Kitely....Olantica, Haven and 3rd Rock have some appeal to me also.

  9. eta: this was not meant as a reply to Summer specifically...I should take the time to figure out this forum more...lol


    As I keep getting hits to the one blogpage that Drakeo posted in this thread I wanted to drop back in and do a little update, for whatever value that may hold for some.

    I know that hardly anybody here even knows me, which is cool...that kind of thing is not important to me anyways. I have my social contacts in other places, mostly revolving around my home grid, Metropolis, a non-commercial grid, and google+, and a couple of other places...which keeps me way to busy sometimes...lol

    But I wanted to drop in and just do a quick note that I updated the blog in question [which is so unimportant to me I see no reason to even post the link but if one goes there please look at the other more interesting pages I now update regularly...if you wish to]-))

    I post this here in the hope that actually going to that page is, tho informative from a reality perspective, unnecessary...I no longer see that grid as relevent and I see it as only a small niche grid, appealing to some folx for various reasons. I see the open Metaverse as the future and it is a wonderful thing to behold-))

    The update on that blog is this:


    "eta 16 August 2013: As time passes, wounds heal, hurt feelings become sad memories...we move on as people do-))

    I have considered removing this blogpage several times. My over-riding thought that keeps coming back to me is one of simply that, as the saying goes, stuff happens. I feel that people should keep in mind these virtual games are really, just games, and to try not to get all stressed about it all, and find a way to enjoy them. Which I have done.

    My issues with inwz were really, bottom line, about not liking unfairness, and it really was not how badly I was treated, in the end, because I knew that was coming, frankly, and I made it happen in several regards...but it was always about how others were badly treated.

    I know life can be unfair, after all, I have lived it for a long time now. But that does not change that I do not like how good people are often treated badly by people with stupid agendas...and in this story, THIS is the crucial message I hope to convey.

    Some people will do anything for a buck, as is the case in life....the truly wonderful people are those who can see beyond this, to the awesomeness of humanity.

    That keeping one's eyes open is always a good thing, try to see beyond the obvious and look deeper, and though most often you will find good souls, sometimes you do not....a sad fact of reality.

    So this is a story about reality, within virtual reality, where we can fly and stuffs-))

    I have found I enjoy the freedom in OpenSim now, and have a wonderful time, enjoying wonderful people who are not driven by the almighty buck....they share, they collaborate, they enjoy this....I see no reason to ever involve myself with the commercial grids and all the strife that comes with them."

  10. I wanted to apologize publicly here.

    A couple of posts I made in this thread were removed due to guideline violations and this is fine by me of course.

    I only had come here as I originally said when following new entry stats from my blog posted here earlier in this thread and only really meant to respond to that.

    I am not here to try proselytize people to any other grid and have no issues whatsoever with secondlife, the mother of us all.

    This is not meant as a brown-nosing comment simply as an apology to the commenters here that time constrained me and I did not take the time to read the guidelines...I am very sorry.

    I really do not have much time to give to another forum at this time and had merely wished to expand upon the comment Drakeo first did linking to my old blog site.

    I will, of course, look in here when I see an increase in entry stats to my blog and may comment further if it seems worthwhile to do so.

    Best to simply find whatever grid one enjoys....

  11. While this is also true....which is bad enough all on it's own....


    I run a little terraforming business where I sell RAW terrains mostly but also do custom work sometimes...and I advertise all over the Metaverse.

    I am in several of these small grids and what finally got me to completely leave inwz was after watching their regions counts closely for a year, when they went down from 808 paid regions last September to 740 in February, I simply saw that it was not worth even the little bit of my time going there to update my little cart thing I had.

    Since there is not much else to do there I packed up and left for good in February, never to look back. I simply do not have the spare time to waste in a grid that is not growing and that I do not like anyways...no business for me, simple really.

  12. best to ignore that grid anyways....if you wish to seek out new adventures you might try Metropolis for a free opensim grid with no currency or Kitely which is the goto grid for commercial interests, or both.

    You can see on Maria Korolov's site how this is going.


    and she post new stats on the 15th or 16th of each month.

  13. Hi folx-))

    I just saw some new entry stats on my blog Drakeo led some ppl to, and then I found I can easily log in here so I figured I might as well add a comment.

    If you do go to my blog please look at the other pages as they are much more interesting [at least to me...lol] than this old one....I only did it to vent and bring some closure for myself, mainly....and never really posted it much...tho others have.

    Not sure I will add more as my own issues with inworldz are old now and I have moved on and found the Metaverse to be cool and fun again.

    I call Metropolis my home but have a free region in Kitely and hypergate around to places and enjoy some other commercial grids in various regards.

    I still even come to sl sometimes and was never one of the sl haters at all.

    I had not been aware that Sakai was an owner of that grid mentioned, but it makes sense. As my blog noted by Drakeo has a few sentences related to her. And it appears she has left inwz now also....tho I dont go in there so I can't confirm this.

    I would never go to the inwz grid again due to comments made here and my own experiences there. But, as with all grids, there is always going to be some of the mean people with mental issues, it is the nature of the beast.

    I do have friends who I met there but most left and the couple I still know there I can email with or communicate with on google+.

    There is so much wonder and fun in the Metaverse there is simply no reason to be a part of any grid where one does not feel relaxed and welcome...because, after all is said and done, most of us simply wish to find them entertaining and stress free.

    be well, peace-))

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