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Ayumi Dagostino

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Posts posted by Ayumi Dagostino

  1. Hi there,

    I have recently rented out an apartment in a roleplay sim which has a limit of 75 prims. The existing walls and staircase have fairly generic textures and I am not allowed to edit the existing structure itself, only add to it,  so I am interested in customising the interior by clamping on 'replacement' walls and stairs with my own textures to give a unique feel to the apartment compared to others in the sim. I have seen a few other people do this very well using mesh, and I am interested in learning how to do this.

    I have tried this once in the past and was somewhat successful but I had a very hard time making sure that the mesh fit the existing structure perfectly. I would greatly appreciate some advice on how I can make a low land impact mesh that fits perfectly over the existing prim-based structure and can be textured as I wish. If my intentions are unclear, I can provide screenshots of some existing customisations from the sim. 

    Thank you in advance for the help! <3

  2. It could be a problem with Firestorm's export perhaps compared to Singularity, I might try them both and compare. Otherwise maybe I did something wrong, I'm not sure, but I'll take a look! If they were exactly the same size most of my problems would be very fixable! 

  3. Thank you so much for all of your help thus far! I've been very busy this past weekend so I haven't had a chance to try out the advice yet, but hopefully I'll have a shot at it during the week. 

    Drongle, that was a very detailed walkthrough you gave me, although I must admit that being the newbie I am, some of it went over my head a bit! When you were putting that internal architecture together, did you model it all from scratch in Blender itself? I think I'd be able to do that as well, but right now I've been exporting prims in Collada form into Blender so that I have (supposedly) the right dimensions to fit the existing structure perfectly. However, it still came out larger when I imported it, so I'm not sure that strategy was working. Do you have any advice on how I could model the internal walls in such a way as to make sure they'd fit with the existing space I have to work with?

    The way the apartment is set up when you rent it is basically a two-floored building with one room on each floor and existing walls/floors, all of which are uneditable by the tenant, which is why I'm trying to build my own walls and floors to essentially go over the default ones, so I need to make sure that they clamp on perfectly to the existing walls without clipping or taking up unnecessary space, since the space is already very limited in this apartment (It was cheap! And it's in a fairly high pop roleplay sim). 

  4. Thank you for the help! In regards to the physics on the structure, I've actually tried setting them to 'prim' instead of 'convex hull', but that didn't seem to make a great deal of difference for some reason? 

  5. Hi there,

    I am extremely new to building in Second Life in general, nevermind mesh, so it's probably not too much of a surprise that I'm running into big issues with my current project. My partner and I have rented a small apartment in an RP sim. We're able to rez objects inside without issue but we can't edit the internal walls to suit our tastes or anything like that. So what I wanted to do essentially is to build my own wallpaper onto the existing walls. I've been able to do this fine using prims and it looks quite good in-game but the problem is that we have a limit on how many prims we can rez inside the apartment (75), so all of my little wallpaper prims amount to 19 prims in total, which is bad! My plan was then to convert the wallpaper prims into one big mesh by exporting the prims as collada and playing about with it in Blender a little bit.

    I did that to the best of my (limited) ability, cleaning up the mesh a little bit and uploading it to SL, this cut the land impact down from 19 to 3, which was definitely good. But I have two issues. Firstly, I can't seem to get the physics working properly with the architecture, namely you cant get through either of the two doors or walk about inside. I've tried playing about with the physics sliders several times over on the test grid to try and get it working but at the moment the only thing that seems to work is making the object phantom. Which isn't ideal because then you can just walk through some of the additional walls that we added to the apartment!

    The second issue is that the mesh once imported is actually bigger than the prim version despite the mesh being constructed from the exported prim data. I'm not sure how to fix this but it's a big issue because we need the surfaces to be pretty much identical to the current prim version so that it fits perfectly to the walls. That was the main reason why I constructed it in-world with prims first, so we could get the perfect fit.

    I've attached a screenshot below so you can see the size differences between the two buildings. Ignore the external roughness, it cant be seen normally since most of the 'walls' are just internal surfaces rather than true walls. The pre-existing apartment walls cover the outsides. 

    Screenshot: http://i58.tinypic.com/2s0bswo.png 

    I'd love some help to get this working properly, because customising the walls would be lovely, the current wallpaper is.. not pretty and doesn't fit the colour scheme of our furniture. I've seen another person nearby having done a lovely job of making custom walls for their apartment and they managed to get the entire mesh down to only 1 land impact, which I'd love to know how to do. Help me, mesh gurus! <3

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