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Luke Carmona

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  1. It has come to my attention that there are no active open-wheel racing series that hold organized races anymore. Actually, it's been years since I've seen an active series. Unfortunately, some of the SL community has drifted farther and farther away from sanctioned racing over the past few years, but I want to bring it back. That's why I have created the free-to-join (for now) Formula 10 racing series. Why F10 vs. F1? Well, since today (June 23rd) is the 10th anniversary of Second Life, it only seems appropriate to add a 0 next to the 1 in F1 to make a 10. Plus, FormulaSL was already taken, having been created back around 2008. What is needed at this point are drivers willing to supply their own F1 car of a certain specification/model (L$995 will be needed) as I want to keep the competition as even as possible. Anyone who is interested should contact me to attain the required information. So come on, residents of Second Life! A decade of SL means new beginnings, so let's start by bringing open-wheel racing back onto the SL grid!
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