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Everything posted by dvera

  1. I WANT TO START A MAGAZINE, BUT I CAN'T DO IT ALONE, I NEED YOUR HELP! *Freelance Photographer (Do the cover of The Magazine, go to locations and take pictures and related gigs. COMMISION per photo) Pick your area of preference : CELEBRITY/ STYLE/ EVENTS/ TUTORIALS/ SPORTS *Classified Ads Finders (Find people interested on placing an ad on The Magazine. COMMISION per add) *Reporter for The Magazine (Find famous people in SL willing to do an interview and a photo shoot. Also find interesting persons that people might not know of. You will work a lot with the photographer. COMMISION per article with photo shoot. *Style Reporter (Article with photo about fashion and style. DON'T DO ARTICLES ABOUT A STORE but about clothing in style. You will work with the photographer. COMMISION per article with picture) *OMG Reporter for The Magazine (Find funny or embarassing stories people are willing to tell you. COMMISION per confirmed stories, don't fake them!) *The Spot Reporter for The Magazine (MUST BE IN TOUCH with the latest places and events always and be there to review them. Also find what will happen next month if possible. Will work A LOT with the photographer. COMMISION per article with photos. *Tutorial Reporter (Article structured simple tutorial on how to do things in SL. Will work with photographer. COMMISSION for every article with photo. *Sports Reporter (Find about sport related events and create articles. Will work with photographer. COMMISSION for every article with photos. *Ask ___ (You will have your own section of advice! MUST BE GOOD GIVING ADVICE! Find people asking for advice and create article of advice. COMMISSION per confirmed advice, don't fake them!) *Horoscope Maker (Create a horoscope for every magazine. COMMISSION for every set of horoscopes. MUST HAVE DIVINATION SKILLS, don't copy paste from other places! ) *Magazine Promotion (Wear promotional clothing, give away free shirts and magazine samples. Must give me the list of people who received freebies and the place you went to do so. COMMISSION per confirmed activity) *Book Scripter (Must create the magazine with all the contents of it. COMMISSION per every magazine created) Let me know in what position you are interested. Contact me Malika Dvera (dvera)
  2. Magazine Scripter Job Description: You will created my magazine for SL. I need a thinc style magazine. Job Requirement: GREAT SCRIPTER IN SL. Job Commission: 650L per magazine. Extra Information: I will provide the information for each page and instructions on how I want it. You might be required to do samples, flyers and merchandise too for extra commission. Contact me if interested
  3. Hi! I'm a newbie and I have 0 money so I need a job! I'm good at: Translations from English to Spanish / Spanish to EnglishRune Divination I would like to learn how to become a DJ/ Singer/ Poet but I don't know how. I can do about any job like host and such. Please help :)
  4. I'm a newbie with 0 money in SL, so I'm willing to do anything for money, any suggestions? NO SCAMS! I'm good at translations English/Spanish , Spanish/English
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