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Adam123 Gearz

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Posts posted by Adam123 Gearz

  1. 3 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    I think you need two things to do what you want:

    1) Some kind of tool (like BUTT) that sends an audio stream from your girlfriend's PC up to a Shoutcast (or similar) streaming service, for redistribution to a collection of listeners.

    2) Some kind of audio routing tool (like Jack Audio Connection Kit) that allows you to merge multiple sound sources on the PC (her mic and her music player) into a single source. You'd then connect that merged source to BUTT for distribution.

    Thank you for the detailed reply, i just have no clue on how to do any of it, is there any tutorials for step by step? D; sorry for being such a noob


  2. 10 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    you can not use the voice feature to perform, it will sound like you'r torturing cats. (for some performers even that would be a improvement :) )

    To bring a acceptable sound to sl you need broadcasting software to use a stream.

    for example Sam or VDJ.

    Those also often have soundeffects build in.


    Yes i know that, what im trying to do. Is sing, so you hear my voice AND play the instrumentals behind my voice, thats what i dont understand how to do

    I just think im asking something really simple yet everyone is overthinking it. I know im not going to sing through the ingame voice, it would be joining the broadcast server and doing it that way. But im just trying to get my voice +++ audio in the background, not just my voice

  3. So my GF recently started playing SL and loves to sing and we tried a karaoke night last night but she could only do acapella through the mic setting on SL. Whereas the rest of them were singing through some program called "butt" which is using the address/port etc and you can hear their microphone and the music they are playing in the background through youtube or whatever on their PC. What programs do i need to do this? I know i used to let her hear what i hear through skype by setting my mic to stereo mix, but that was just what i hear, not my mic + what i hear. How do i get both of them to work?

    Hope this isn't too confusing

    Also some people have like an "echoey" sound to their mic, which is obviously through some sort of program. Any ideas on that also? I know this is the best to place as alot of you know what you are talking about xD hope you can help me out! I will love you forever

    thank you :)

  4. 2 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    From looking at your supposed texture (the black and orange bit) it looks like you are thinking in "sculpts" mode. So the first thing you likely need to do is clunk yourself on the head a few times and try NOT to think about sculpts. It is a whole different world. 


    Medhue made a tutorial on how to unwrap a cap awhile back. Here it is:  




    Thank you for the video, but no that isnt my texture xD i just googled "top hat texture map" and thats what came up, i think i understand it alot more now and will play around alot with it tomorrow!

  5. 1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

    You can apply the texture in Blender, but it's usually more practical to apply it in world, after you have uploaded the model.  You'll pay for a texture upload (L$10) either way, but keeping them separate means that you won't have to pay for both a model upload and a texture upload each time you make a change.  (For now, during testing, you can use the local textures option to avoid paying for a texture upload at all.)  As you noted, once you have created a UV map in Blender and have assigned materials to the model, it doesn't matter when you apply the textures. 

    ETA:  And yes, you can export the UV map to your hard drive and then drop it into Photoshop to draw your texture with it as a template.


    Yeah i think i will do that, the problem is i need to know how to make the UV map itself. Thats the problem im stuck on

  6. 9 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

    You need a tutorial on making Top hat texture in Blender. There is one.

    Will that teach me how to texture pretty much anything? I dont just want to learn how the top hat one would work but i know it might be a simple one to start off with

    Thank you for the reply

  7. So its been my second day just playing around on blender, and i made a top hat. Now im just wondering how would i texture this? Or just make the texture and upload it, because it would obviously be mapped out just like the skins are on photoshop, i hope this makes sense its hard to explain. It would probably look like something like this but how would i do it? Or like get my item mapped out onto photoshop to make it myself30838eba27229481faf6821670c934f7

  8. 1 minute ago, Chic Aeon said:

    @Adam123 Gearz


    Here is a quick screenshot of some mapping (Adam and I have been conversing but pictures don't seem to be working in "private" mode.)

    When you change a model you usually have to remap. There are exceptions like removing edgeloops, but if you make changes, then of course your UV map needs to change too.


    Note that each piece of the model has a corresponding area on the UVmap.

    This is in CYCLES render, not BLENDER render so a few things may look a little different.



    Thank you for the picture it did help and you did in PMs, like i said it is my first day so i was kind of lost when you said i should be "Baking the texture" etc and i havent even learnt about that yet, cant really find any videos online to just explain that little part. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Rolig Loon said:

    A seam is exactly what it sounds like.  Imagine the seams on any article of clothing in RL, or think about how you would have to use an X-acto knife to cut apart a cardboard box to unfold it into a flat sheet. When you mark seams on your 3D model, you are deciding how to make a 2D map of its surface with the fewest pattern pieces and (often) the least distortion. The pattern pieces -- islands in your UV map -- will define how the model is to be reassembled when you upload it to SL.  Chic has made some excellent tutorials, so watch them.  You may also want to look through the tutorials on Gaia Clary's Machinimatrix tie, starting with http://blog.machinimatrix.org/category/mesh/quests/coffee-cups/


    Thank you very much thats exactly what i was just watching xD its great i have done the seams now (decided to try a table) and it seems to of worked. My only problem is now and this is my last issue, is that when i save this and upload it into SL even with textures selected it isnt uploading with textures, just a white object instead of a wooden one. How do i save the texture onto my object? Thank you so much for the help

  10. Thank you for your responses guys, i did actually see something mentioned about creating seams in the models but i have no idea how i couldnt find the video again and i dont understand what the seam does. But i really do appreciate your help


    Every video i watch on seams, is it just going around the outside of the object? It isnt really clear to a beginner like myself

    Maybe it will just be worth it to texture ingame over trying on blender D: seems too complicated for me right now

    • Like 1
  11. 30 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    There are certainly a few legitimate reasons for making sculpties (for extremely large objects, for example), but for most things, sculpties are an obsolete, inefficient technology.  They were introduced as a temporary measure before LL was ready to let people import full mesh objects.  I'd really recommend making mesh models in Blender and doing your trial uploads on Aditi.  Sooner or later, you will need to learn how to use the mesh uploader anyway.  It's really not all that hard, and the cost calculation is automatic.  You see what it's going to cost before you hit the button.


    Thank you for your help, yeah i decided to look into Aditi and im now using the mesh uploads. My only problem is the textures look so bad on blender D: No idea why, i followed a tutorial and copied it step by step but when i pressed unwrap on the chair part it said something about not being able to unwrap it properly. Now it looks like this, any ideas why?


  12. So im coming back after a long break and used to do photography on SL for money, and make profile pictures for people. Not at a high level but just enough to make a bit of $L but now i see all these high quality pictures people are taking and im not even sure how, are there certain things on graphics that need to be on high? Any tutorials you guys can point me to or anything, cause even on high graphics and with windlight settings on singularity viewer my avatar sucks, have skins changed? xD 

  13. So i just came back from a long 5 year break from SL, and sculpting has changed alot. I first tried sculpty paint and it made the rainbow looking texture and you simply uploaded the texture, now i still see that but a blender file is uploaded through mesh with all the checkboxes etc and you have to calculate how much it is going to cost when uploading. Im learning and have made a chair leg for my first sculpt and wanted to upload it but dont have the money, is there anyway i can change it into a "rainbow sculpt texture" and temp upload to try, i know i can use the beta but just curious about this as it would be alot easier to just upload it that way. Thank you for the help in advance :)


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