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Everything posted by KarmelDoll

  1. wow, this is some story. sorry folks but what is wrong if Fennal wants as she says "kindness" I have read all these post about this. a bit confused on some of it. but one thing i notice about debate versus a post response, is that they have nothing in common. on other games i played on i seen people argue over silly things. this is silly in my opinion. i too have been given sharp answers to post I've made on game sites. it can sting and if it didn't hurt we wouldn't be real. i don't think anyone wants to go to a forum, open up and then be shot down with a mean response. maybe Fennal should have kept it to herself, but maybe not. i know if i got a rude response i wouldn't like it. why can't she be as privileged to seek things to run with peace as the rest of you want your comments to be heard. forums are for posting in a manner in which we all can commune in a way to assist one another. how is a mean response helping anyone. i don't see anything the matter with talking to him inworld if that is how she wanted to air her dislikes to him. i feel sorry so many of you treat Fennal as the wrong party here. i'm going to im her and show someone cares. i hope she answers me. but that would be stalking according to the post i read i'm fairly new here, but I've been around other worlds. so don't come after me also. i'm on the side of angels.
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