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Everything posted by JezFeral

  1. I have outfits (just the titles, not the contents) that repeatedly show up in my trash. I empty trash and when I relog, the outfit titles show up in trash again. I've tried clearing my inventory cache and relogging, but sure enough, the outfit titles popped up in trash again.
  2. Maximillian Release came through and came through in a big way. Great custom designs, bright, sharp, wonderful! and fast to boot. Thanks Ritter for the recommendation!
  3. Ritter, Thanks for the suggestion. Still waiting for a response from Maximillian. So still kind of par for the tattoo course!
  4. thanks for the info on Reckless and Identity. Landon Mode, owner of Reckless, doesn't do custom work. I've got a note in to Identity Management.
  5. Thanks for the info on what type of tattoo we need--it seems like all sources are pointing to a mesh tattoo. That works for me.
  6. So I've found the chupacabra of tattoos showing up on marketplace, and have even found a few stores in-world that purport to offer single arm custom tattoos--but when I sent notecards, I get no responses or the artists are busy. However, I was told by one artist that it's possible, just that she was busy at the moment. Can anyone provide the name of a tattoo artist experienced with custom single arm tats? This is for a standard (not mesh) avatar. Regards, Jez Garden (JezFeral Resident)
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