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Everything posted by StaceyPuffs

  1. not to be odd but, wouldn't it increase land mass and permote more people to maybe instead, buy a regular sim if they needed to upgread and not have the $1,000,000 private sim fee as the "intro" to these options? who ever thought that was a good idea to set the full sim first as the "unlock" was a terrible buisness person, not only will Homesteads and Openspaces as a "first sim buy" option provide affordable land, kill the "creativity tax" (god forbit), and generate more L$ then what gets consumed by a full normal sim owner, it would bring more people around again ... people worry about gasoline now days, and bills, so again, how can we the people, petition LL to open up these options, not not just for our sake, for theirs as WELL ... lol
  2. i wish there was a tab for both demos and non demos, it would be WAAAAYYY easier to look for the demo of something you wish to try out, and to not have a demo come up while looking for something else, plus, if they had their own flag, the searches would be less jumbled together, a demo is not a product, and vis versa, so why not create a demo tab LL?
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