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Everything posted by SonofaNoob

  1. Yeah, there definitely isn't an option to derender objects in the latest Alchemy. I'm just looking for "workarounds". No one seems to know of any though.
  2. I only installed it a few days ago. When I went to the website, I also saw that the latest update was September 2020. And I questioned them on this. But they told me that it was still being updated and that there are newer versions. They directed me to their Discord, which is listed on their website. In one of the Discord channels are links to each new release. Which in turn sends you to their GitLab. And I don't know how to download stuff from GitLab, but a SL group person send me a direct download link in an instant message. I am not holding my breath on updates. I just like their viewer because it is 400-500% faster. And I'm just trying to figure out "workarounds" for the features that they are missing. Oh, going back to their website. I didn't understand the secrecy of it all. Of them not just putting the newer releases on their website. They said something about that being the latest stable version. But two years is a long time for a latest stable version. But once again, I am THRILLED to be using Alchemy, because anywhere I go, no matter how laggy the sim is, and no matter how long textures usually take to load, load almost instantly in Alchemy. How can I not be happy with that? It's just little things like not being able to derender objects, not being able to remove object highlights when editing, and stuff like that... that gives me a little grief. But yeah, it's getting regular updates. I forgot how often, but I think it's every month, or maybe even more frequent than that.
  3. I am looking for an alternative way to derender objects. In Firestorm, all I have to do is right-click an object > select More > select More again > click Derender > and then select Temporary or Blacklist. But I am trying a new viewer called Alchemy which loads textures way faster than the Firestorm and SL viewers, and Alchemy doesn't have that feature. I like to derender objects when taking snapshots, because they might take away from the immersion and beauty of the scenery. For instance, the other day I was in a forest in front of an old plane that had crashed decades ago. I wanted to take a snapshot, but there were half a dozen ugly green arrows painted on the dirt path that I was standing next to. So I derendered them. Also, sometimes my neighbors rezz stuff that are an eye sore and don't blend in well with the environment. So I like to derender those types of objects too. So I'm hoping that there is an alternative method to derendering objects, maybe by using the Advanced or Develop menus. Or by adding information to a viewer file. In Alchemy, I can go to Advanced > Highlighting and Visibility > and then select 'Hide Selected'. Then if I edit an object, that object will be hidden. The problem with this is that Alchemy does not allow you to hide object highlights when you have them selected in the Edit / Building Tools menu. And also, this method only allows you to hide one object a a time when I often have to hide dozens of objects at the same time before taking a snapshot. I found out that in Alchemy, I can right click an object and select 'Copy ID'. I did that on a random object just now and the ID was "26c5d736-0d5f-dd6a-f2eb-95dd29041ed4". So can I do something with this ID? Like click on an Advanced or Develop option and use this ID to derender the object? Or is there a viewer file that I can edit where I can manually paste this ID in to derender the object? I'm just trying to learn all of the possibilities and options that might exist, instead of just giving up and switching viewers every time that I want to take a picture. I really like Alchemy's speed so I want to figure out a way to stay in Alchemy without having to log out and then log in on a different, slower viewer.
  4. Nevermind. I give up on this idea. It seems too difficult.
  5. The other day, I wasn't sure if a skybox was a mesh or a hollowed out SL cube. I was able to find out by lowering the LOD factor of my graphic preferences to 0.0 and I saw the skybox collapse into one or two triangles. But are there other ways to find out? I don't like the LOD factor method that well. I want to closely study a huge complicated partial mesh structure that has many linked mesh objects and prims, and I'd like to select "Edit Linked" on each linked object and find out an alternative way without having to use the LOD factor slider. Any ideas?
  6. @Beq Janus - Thank you. I guessed on the 1.49 LI rounded down stuff. But I had no idea that LI was determined by the largest of the three weights. @ChinRey - Hey! Thank you for your response! You shared some extremely useful and helpful information. There were two things that I did not understand though. Why not use planar mapping on prims and meshes? I absolutely love planner mapping. I knew mesh textures are probably different from prim textures, but I didn't have a problem with that. The planar mapping on the mesh (I used a stucco wall texture) looks identical to what it would have looked like on a prim. Is planar mapping bad for sim lag or something? If my mesh object has a floating planar wall that is just Ctrl + J'd together and not attached to any vertices, faces, or edges, does that count as "two parts in a linkset"? Or is it still one part and not a linkset (until I link it to another mesh or prim in-world in SL)?
  7. I have a hollowed out mesh rectangle. One end of the rectangle is the front where the door and window is. The opposite end is the back wall where I want three planar walls, one behind the other, with a small gap in between each one. The back most wall will be a concrete texture with a custom default mapping horizontal and vertical scale and no transparency. The planar wall in front of that wall will have a stucco texture, using planar mapping, with a custom color, and a 55% transparency. I'm sure that there are creators that know exactly how to combine these two walls into one texture, and I honestly don't know how to do that and it's a good thing to know. But it isn't something that I want to accomplish with this particular project. I want to keep them separate walls. And the third wall is optional, but if I can squeeze it in and still keep my LI under a certain amount then that would be great. I was thinking that the third wall could be used for a wall size picture. The aforementioned hollowed out mesh rectangle did have a loop cut, wall sized television on the back wall with a border going around the television. This entire mesh (with the TV), linked to a SL basic prim, still only used one LI total. My plan now is to remove the television and replace it with the two or three mesh planar walls in the back. And I want to use as little LI as possible so that maybe later I can still link something simple to the mesh rectangle for a combined total of 1 LI. So my question is, for the two planar walls in the back with the gap in between (concrete and stucco), should they have faces attaching the two planar walls, or will it be okay to have one of the planar walls floating by itself and not attached? Which method will use up the least amount of LI? I really want to do this the mesh method and have them as one object, instead of using the hollowed out mesh box with a SL wall or a hollowed out mesh box with a separately uploaded mesh wall. Thank you for your help. SL rules!
  8. It went well. She rezzed her own television, logged into Facebook, and teleported me. But all I saw was a log in screen. I was a bit nervous, but she is a trustworthy person. No accounts were deleted. No unapproved purchases were made. No account details were changed. Thanks for the help, Jyo (mjyothis)!
  9. I saw the original message "They won't be able to. Whatever that is displayed is user specific even if its called 'Shared Media'. That's why its never synced when you try to watc... " Funny how anytime I ask a question, I always get opposite answers. I don't have an alt yet, but that is a good tip. Thank you.
  10. I have my prim's media set up to a certain home page. But that website is not usable unless I am logged in with my account user name and password. Once I log in, will other residents be able to access the members only content that can only be seen once I have logged in? And if so, can't they do things like access my account settings and change my email address, delete my account, recover or change my password, spend currency that I already have on the account, or order more currency if I have a payment method on my account?
  11. SonofaNoob


    UPDATE: Nevermind. Someone gave me some one on one guidance on Discord, and I am fine now.
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