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  1. Hi, thanks for answereing! This is really helpfull information, so thank you very much! ♥
  2. I didn't notice the spell check button. As I said before, I'm new to SL and not used to things yet. I figured if I posted and people were interested in a drawing, I'd be able to make a few easy Linden doing something I enjoy instead of waiting until Premium Tuesday or bothering with buying more Linden every time I want something pretty. I honestly didn't expect anything to come out of the writing bit. Most people who use readable grimoires for RPs tend to either find one pre-written in the Marketplace or they can do it themselves, and usually do. I just thought I could throw it out there as an added option. It's a casual question on a computer game's site forums. If I'm typing a message to someone, I'm going to write what I'm saying the same way I would say it if we were on the phone. I don't think I actually know anyone who types differently than they speak outside of work. That's a very simplified definition.
  3. What do you mean start it over? I don't want to double post again, and I thought you couldn't delete threads? Again though, I am new to SL, so I'm probably just missing something. I did correct the spelling errors he pointed out, and rewrote a couple of sentences. I'm also about to add some more info and a couple of examples of my art.
  4. Obviously if I'm actually writing something I'm going to have a Beta Reader and/or editor look over it to catch spelling errors before giving out the finished project. Also, its a casual question on a computer game's site forums, what's wrong with saying like? Or starting a sentence with maybe? Don't think I missed "purports" either.
  5. Thanks, I'll be sure to check it out. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  6. I was thinking of looking for a SL job, but a lot of what I've seen seems to be technical stuff, and I don't know anything about it. BUT - I'm an artist and a writer. I was thinking maybe I could take commissions, like for portraits or busts of peoples avatars. Or maybe I could write short stories for people. I also know a lot about magic & fantasy creatures (I'm a fantasy writer), so I could write about that for people? Like if you need a griomoire or something for an RP, I might be able to do something like that depending on what it is you want, exactly. If anyone were interested, here are some examples of my style: Thanks! ☼
  7. I had a general idea of what I wanted, but couldn't find anything even close in the marketplace. So I was wondering if there were any designers/builders who would be willing to take a commission? Or about how much something like that would likely cost? If anyone would be interested, I could easily sketch up a design and send it to them, along with some reference pictures. Thanks! ☼
  8. I was thinking of looking for a SL job, but a lot of what I've seen seems to be technical stuff, and I don't know anything about it. BUT - I'm an artist and a writer. I was thinking maybe I could take comisions, like for portraits or busts of people's avatars. Or maybe I could write short stories for people, or I knows a lot about magic & fantasy creatures & stuff (I'm a fantasy writer), so I could like write about that for people? Like if you need a griomore or something for some kind of RP, I might be able to do something like that. Maybe, that kind of depends on what it is you want, exactley. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but I'm new and I really had no idea where to put this. If there is somewher else I can post this were I'll get more help/responces that'd be helpfull. Thanks! ☼
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