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Frost Lexico

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Posts posted by Frost Lexico

  1.     I just recently purchased an avatar through the marketplace. It has nice and detailed descriptions and tons of positive reviews. The screenshots of the avatar look amazing, but it costs more than twice the normal avatar does (2000 linden as opposed to the usual aproximate 800, give or take a few hundred). Normally that'd be a violation due to price inflation, but I decided to shrug it off this time. There was one bad review, but I figured that this guy must have been that one dude who complains about everything considering the other 3 pages of 4 and 5 star reviews, so I went and spent the money for the product and popped it open in SL.

       What I found made most freebies look like the Sistine Chapel: The provided AO is slapped together and extremely robotic, kind of like C3PO from Star Wars. One of the major features advertised is incompatible with the majority of locations because it requires rezzing rights to use (the product description does not mention this).

       I am 100% convinced that the retailer has been using alternate accounts or friends or something in order to inflate his/her reviews, because I have yet to find a single resident in game who was not disgusted by the lack of quality in this avatar, nevermind the fact that it has a ridiculously inflated price tag. In fact, that one single review I mentioned earlier that scoffed at this product turned out to be correct about everything, and so this is why I feel that there is some anti-trust going on. I've already reported it for price inflation (heck, look at all the furry avatars selling for 600 to 1000 linden), but I don't think that will be getting my 2 grand back.

       Last, but certainly not least, I did some digging around on the retailer and what I found is that similiar patterns are seen on other products of theirs: low quality item and overpriced, high praise feedback.

       So my question is this: What can I do to get my money back after being scammed here? If it was just pocket change then I wouldn't care, but in my currency this amounts to a whopping 8 bucks (which is supposed to go a longish way in SL).

  2. Nope, it's something I bought off of the marketplace. All my mesh stuff came from there, and they are all causing this glitch. It kinda sucks, especially because it only started recently. My only guess is that it has somthing to do with the most recent patch.

  3. Greetings fellow peoples of SL.

    I've been using mesh clothing parts for a while now, and I've never had any troubles. But earlier today I put on a mesh "jacket" for my sergal avatar and I noticed instantly that the hands beneath the paw attachments had done a five finger spread. I spent hours figuring out what was going on, but eventually, after wearing two other entirely unrelated mesh tops, that it's the tops which are breaking the hand posing. And it's not just temporary either; the hands will not correct themselves until after I go through the character test reset thingy.

    To elaborate further, the hands spread the fingers wide, they seem to grow in size to at least 50, and they refuse to interact with anything (Will not obey any AO's, will not dissapear when put under an alpha, etc). It does this no matter which mesh torso/arm items I use, and on every single avatar I have.

    Anybody else experienced this? Anybody ever fixed the problem?

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