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Posts posted by Matt732

  1.  Hello, a new neighbour has decided to set up an extremly bright light emmiting prim next to my shop which is flooding the interior with light. The owner seems to not be answering messages so i need to know if there is any way of stopping the light coming through my walls? Pretty sure there is a simple answer but i can't find it, any help would be gratefully accepted.

  2. Hazzah! So it's a syrup, would you Adam & Eve that? No wonder I could find no mention of it anywhere. Thanks so much for answering my question and with the weights yep I’ve seen them listed just their representation does not show up in weight paint view... bit tricky when your trying to adapt them to a differing clothing layer but it's probably better to apply them from scratch. I was under the impression the male and female armature's differ and after having absolutely no joy with altering an armature last year I now leave them well alone and stick with the incredibly inaccurate stock armatures and laughable avatars (that’s why I made my own). I cannot blame you for regretting adding a male avatar, after all 90% of the “lady's” in SL are men whats the point? Thanks again.

  3.  Hello, I hope I can get some help with my problem and sorry if it's been asked before. I have made and rigged a mesh head which is all working and looking fine except for the little black controller thing inside the avatars head poking through the mesh when the eyes move. I've set the weight round the eyes to just covering the eyelids as any more seems to deform the face. I use the avatar workbench for helping rig the mesh but the default male avatar seems to have all the weights missing from it (handy?), so I have been checking the female avatar as a guide but these seem to go missing after a time as well? I use Blender 2.66 with windows. Another thought is maybe it has something to do with the skull weight missing? Again I find no guides on the avatar workbench to help me with this, does it need weighting. I have downloaded the avatar workbench file a number of times and still the weights I am looking for are not present.

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