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  1. So yeah, I just recently got banned from IMVU for another obscure AP breach and quite frankly I'm getting sick and tired of the way they treat their adult community over there. With that being said, I'm currently looking around for better options so naturally I decided to come to Second Life. My old computer couldn't run SL, but since I upgraded my machine I'm thinking about making the switch. Before I start wasting money on items though I have a few questions since this is so different from what I'm used to... 1. I know there's different land prices from $5 per month - $195 per month, but I'm a little confused as to how many avatsrs each of the tiers allow and how many objects you're allowed to put in them. I heard a lot about "prims?" by watching tutorial videos and stuff, however do those include furniture items? I guess what I'm trying to say is this like IMVU at all where you can buy a pre-made house/room and just add furniture to it. I noticed the client had some type of builder, so does that mean you actually have to build your place from the ground up on undeveloped land? 2. I'm thinking about coming to SL and making an Adult Nightclub, but I can't do that on the mainland right? Would I have to buy land on Zindra, and if I do how much is that per month? 3. If I purchase land at an auction do I still have to pay the monthly cost for however big the plot of land is? 4. Is there anyway to try on clothes before you buy them? I noticed some of them have freebie versions, but whenever I try them on they''re not the actual clothes and instead look like I'm wearing a sign with the item depicted. 5. Is there anything else that's drastically different in SL that someone from IMVU would need to know in order to adapt and decide if they want to make the transition?
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