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  1. OK I just joined today so I'm pretty clueless.:matte-motes-smile: I do have a helper, but she's pretty new as well. At my first a big I went to a place with a number of portals which was as I expected. My helper led me to believe that walking through a portal would take me to a place related to my interest and that would become my home place. I chose the Art portal, but was transported to an empty place called Born. There was a Church area nearby but nothing related to art really. Not a populated place I was led to expect. After exploring a bit I logged off. When I returned, choosing "Home" as where to login, I was taken to the same place as before, however this time I received a message that my home place was not available and that I was placed in a nearby region. So, I am wondering where it is that my home is actually set and where was the portal supposed to send me. Does it no longer exist? Not a big deal but I was wondering. Now, besides curiosity, I assumed maybe I should let Second Life know that my home was unavailable. Perhaps there's a problem with that place or the portal is malfunctioning. So I attempt to contact support about it but there seems to be no category for such a report. There was an option to report an offline region. Perhaps that would apply, but I have no idea what region it would be nor how to find out. So there seems to be only very few things they want people to report? So anyway, if someone can shed some light on this, I would appreciate it! I did find a link here to the Welcome Island which looks like a good place to start out so i will check that out.
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