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Posts posted by LisaWorthyWoman

  1. 4 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    Voice doesn't have a thing to do with finding objects or moving yourself or your camera.


    xD Let me explain. I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to move my mouse and use the keyboard. It's kind of clunky in Second Life, but it works. Using the camera with voice recognition seems to me to be sheer misery. So far, I've always had to shut down the viewer to get out of camera mode.

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  2. I was adjusting the position of a rug on the second floor of my Linden home. I had accidentally made it however about a foot off of the floor, and was trying to put it back in the appropriate place. Unfortunately, I let go of the controls. Now I can't see it to move it all! I went to the first floor and looked up, hoping that it might be peeking through the ceiling. It was not.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

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