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Phoenix Dionysus

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Everything posted by Phoenix Dionysus

  1. this is just nonsense what youre saying, they are able to charge 1 dollar fee((which cant be repaid so in effect youre STEALING)) and then you say that it cant be charged well how can that be if you just charged it???? yesterday I bought a Visa prepaid gift card and LL wouldnt accept it, Virwox wouldnt accept it and a few other third parties wouldnt accept it.... today one of my friends bought a visa prepaid gift card and LL accepted it....she has neither paypal account info or a real CC linked to her account so obviously what youre saying is not at all the truth, two of the same gift cards bought, one denied one accepted.... LL needs to figure out there stuff because I cant be the only one that feels like never giving you/them business again.... you sitting here spinning falsehoods does nothing to ease that sentiment in the least
  2. Sephine Frostbite wrote: Walmart Visa Cards work Sometimes, but not always. The problem with prepaid cards is that there is no way for Linden Lab to verify in real time that the card still has a balance to charge against. When you buy something in SL, LL charges your current L$ balance first. If there isn't enough in that balance, they then charge your payment information on file -- sending the charges to PayPal or to your credit card company. Linden Lab doesn't need to know how much money you have in that account. It's none of their business, and the company wouldn't tell them anyway. Linden Lab gets paid immediately, and PayPal or your credit card company bills you later to collect. When you have a prepaid card, however, there's no company to bill you later. If your card has a zero balance, Linden Lab still can't know that, and there's nobody beyond it to bill. So Linden Lab refuses to let you use the card. I cant believe what an utter falsehood this is.....when you try to use a giftcard thru LL they charge it immediately with a fee whether the transaction goes through or not, this means that their system and the credit card system are in immediate contact with one another....just like any third party retail buyer is.....what this means is that if you want to purchase $40 worth of lindens and you hit pay, LL could charge whatever card youre trying to use that amount, if the balance is there...then balance is there.....if the balance isnt there....then it should get denied but what this person is saying is a straight up lie PS never encountered a company that doesnt want money so much as this.....its ridiculous...NO I dont want to deal with paypal or any other shady money interlopers...I went and bought a Visa gift card for this very reason and I cannot find anyone to accept it for lindens....money is money....you cant tell me that the system of detecting whether there are funds or not is any different from one credit card to another, within the same company of cc issuers,((visa/mastercard/american express etc))
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