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Jordan Ely

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Everything posted by Jordan Ely

  1. Linden labs reply was to change password leave for 48 hours then log into Ahem or Morris..... Some good that was.
  2. Just been told by a Phoenix viewer creator that I'm stuck in away mode that's why there going to lost and found folder. But he never said how to get out of it.plus I don't believe that because its only textures being sent there.Lindens don't know and I've reinstalled countless times now.
  3. Hi,I've already done fresh installs and come in on different viewers but still nothing.I just don't know what else to do.
  4. Wonder if anyone can help. I don't have my textures, I have cleared cache and gone to beta grid. While in beta grid there all there but come back into SL and nothing. People sent me textures last night and found out the go right into lost and found folder not my texture folder.tried dragging into texture folder and they jump right away back to lost and found. Any ideas anyone.
  5. Hello, ATM I'm having a problem I lost all my textures I've cleared cache I've logged into beta grid and there all there but come back to normal sl and nothing empty folder.ppl sent me textures last night and I found them in the lost and found folder and not in textures folder. Does anyone have any ideas plz ?
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