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Everything posted by SLGTeam

  1. thanks i think i partly understand what was my problem. when i try to sell an item or a service i must give a menu with a choise to the user to choose how much he wants to pay and then check if it matches ( like the screenshot i uploaded before)? or is there a way to just show him the amount of linden and he will press accpet or something? in my particular script im detecting the key and name of the user pressing the object with the commands: key id = llDetectedKey(0); string name = llKey2Name(id); but in this case if he presses the buy option it doesnt detect any key so i get an empy string is there any way around it? maybe a command that calls the selling menu without the avatar needing to press the buy option? hope you understand what i ment ^^
  2. thanks alot for the script! i've built a script of my own which divides the money payed between two people, it works perfectly. only problem is when i try to link it with other parts of my project (when the object with the payment script isn't chosen last) it wont let me pay the set amount, instead it asks how much would i like to pay. even if i set the right amount it gives me problems.. here is a screenshot of the screen received also here is the code i wrote integer percentage=50; key player; integer priceToPlay = 2; key dudu = "791a6a83-0c8f-4b8f-bb7c-a03c64eff29c"; key eran= "7d9de5a1-0a60-4101-8fbf-6cfbcdf87b59";//"6f9118fa-504b-447d-bb14-02edfaae8a24"; default { state_entry() { llSetClickAction(CLICK_ACTION_PAY); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [ priceToPlay ,PAY_HIDE,PAY_HIDE,PAY_HIDE]); llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); } money(key id, integer amount) { if ( amount >= priceToPlay ) { llGiveMoney(eran, llRound(amount * (float)(percentage/100.0))); llGiveMoney(dudu, llRound(amount * (float)(percentage/100.0))); player = id; key id = llDetectedKey(0); string name = llKey2Name(id); string detectedName = llDetectedName(0); llSay (-5, "start"); llSay (-5, name); state default; } } } any help would appreciated thanks
  3. Hi there, i'm been looking to script for my game, that evrey time avatar will want to play the game the script will ask for money before it starts any segestions? thnx , dudu
  4. hey ! first of all thnx! second, this is our website: http://www.blowemupsl.com/ third you can add me on game search SLGTeam, my name is dudu and you can add me on SL and i will teleport you to our product
  5. Hey there, My name is Dudu and I am a part of a group of students and for our project in the Second Life platform we are required to create a product and sell it. We created great game called: Blow 'Em Up - which is a game in which you shoot balloons with a crossbow and pop them. The game has several levels and includes: score board, sounds and a timer. The game is still under development but we would like to give it to anyone free of charge, . It is important to us that we market this game and the cost is nothing at your side. We will appreciate your help as we are students and the educational benefit of this project is very high. You will earn L$ when people use the game(right now its free). Please contact me if you are interested in our game :) here or in the email: Email: blow.em.up.sl@gmail.com best regards, Dudu
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