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Everything posted by xBum

  1. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hoodoo/173/220/103
  2. I have a small section that is open to everyone then the rest of my parcel I have sell passes to. I have Allow Group Access (none) checked on and have Sell Passes to Everyone checked on. Yet my buddy is able to walk right on in with no problem. Does it matter high the structure is? It's set at 1000 meters off the surface. Maybe there is something on the Marketplace I can buy that does this for me?
  3. I'm using a script that when the prim is attached a sit animation kicks in. Problem is there is no way to adjust my avatar's sitting height. So looking for someone that could modify/make that if it's at all possible to adjust a sitting height wearing an attachment. If possible I would also like to buy a script where I'm able to appear as though I'm moving from one position to the next while this prim is attached. Such as like what is used for yachts. TIA
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