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Everything posted by Lembourne

  1. I already running second life on windows 7 now on windows 8 is that it not is running. Your answer does not help me
  2. After I upgraded to windows 8 the second life is not this more open and says this message: second life is unable to run because your video card drivers did not install properly, are out of date. or are for unsupported hardware
  3. Gaia your answer helped me so, I imported the mesh with the joints and had success. At the end of your video "rigging the horse" you talk about "Non humanoid creature creation for second ilfe" where and how do I get this stuff?
  4. I have Avastar and want to know how to import to sl a quadruped mesh rigged or any non humanoid. PS: this video not teaches to export a mesh rigged but an animation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL4X1AlMtVU
  5. I want to make this mesh fit into the skeleton http://gyazo.com/9da4b45f30b7ded0754568bbcbadd185, how I do it the best way? when i adjust the skeleton to mesh after import for sl the skeleton deforms the mesh and if I adjust the mesh to the skeleton mesh will also deformed.
  6. how to make an avatar rigging not human fit into skeleton sl?
  7. I want to know how to modify the skeleton avatar.blend or avatar workbench to change position or stretch bones without that deform a mesh avatar at the time of import to Second Life. I have some mesh avatars that have body parts more elongated than the skeleton avatar.blend and when lengthen the bones to fit in they deform the mesh after importing avatar for second life
  8. Eu venho tentando fazer avatar mesh ha algum tempo com blender, aprendi muita coisa sozinho mas agora me deparei com um problema, na hora d enviar o mesh ja com armature ele n fica muito bem no sl por conta da posicao dele, o sl so parece aceitar receber bem avatares mesh q estaum naquela pose de bracos abertos e com pernas juntinhas e nem sempre é assim q estaum os modelos mesh q qero importar pra sl, eu tenho conseguido ajustar os modelos mesh pra essa pose mas o problema é o esqeleto q n aceita muito bem mexer qualqer coisa nele tipo o tamanho dos bracos q sao muito curtos e sempre preciso alonga mas depois na hora d importar pro sl vejo q eles deformam o avatar pq se contraem d novo. Eu gostaria d saber uma forma pra ter a liberdade d modificar o esqeleto e q n deforme o mesh na hora d importar
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