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  1. I want to have more of an option on how to move my character. Frankly, I want the controls more like World of Warcraft; more specifically, I'd like to see the button mapping option like you have in WoW, so one can change every single key or mouse click to whatever they want. I want to be able to move forward with the mouse, and side step with Q and E, and jump/fly with the space bar mostly. Everyone has their own preferences, so it would be really great to alter the keys (especially for movement) to one's perference too.
  2. I want to change Q and E to a side step. Would that translate as "push_left" in the html? I also want to make the space bar "Jump" and to hold it to make you fly up. Any advice on the best way to write this? I sort of understand html, but I've never taken a class in it... I can edit words no problem, but I want to make sure I make the right changes so I don't have bugs. Or, is there somewhere online I can find a copy of the changes I want to make and just copy/paste? I have been told on previously posted questions that this would work so I could make the movement keys a little more familiar. If changing these doesn't work, do you know something that will?
  3. I asked this last night and was linked a Wiki page that showed me how to edit the Keys XML file to my liking. My problem now is that my computer says I am not allowed to change that file. Unfortunately, I don't have Microsoft Word, I have Word Pad and Note Pad, but not the official program. I'm not sure if that makes a difference. I can open the file and edit as I please, but when I try to save, it says I have to contact the admin or something. Is there a way around this? I just want to make my movement controls more familiar... like WoW.
  4. I want to make my movement controls more familiar like WoW. Or at least be able alter the hotkeys.
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