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  1. i am a sim own that is suppose to be a magnium rating and high performance but lately i am loosing clients.... prims are vanishing into thin air just now a whole soccer field went from 3500m and all players went falling and not the first time and not necessary hugh prims either.. no one was returning or deleting at the time and no terriforming either.. please help me before all my clients go reddeevamp resident
  2. HIGH PERFORMANCE PRIVATE ISLAND FULL SIM...... LAND TIER DUE IN 3 WEELK AND WITH ANOTHER SMALL OPEN SIM RENTED TO A GREAT LONG TERM RENTER....LAND TIER DUE IN 4 WEEKS CLASS 8 WITH CURRENT TRAFFIC AT 3000 PLUS GREAT FOR ANIMALS, RESIDENTUAL OR COMMERCIAL... NO NEIGHBOURS CLOSE BY UP TO BUY FOR CHEAP QUICK SALE $200 000 LINDENS OR $1000USD FOR BOTH ONO IM reddeevamp resident or questionz resident with any questions Please note... full sim has renters on it that will move with me when sold.... smaller sim renter will stay with sale
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