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Elise Vandeverre

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Everything posted by Elise Vandeverre

  1. I have had a paid account with SL for awhile. Just been absent for a bit. When I try to tp out, I get a crash after time. I've tried to teleport to random events aswell with a similar lack of success. I play other games online with no issue, minecrafter (on a major mc server) frequently as well as Steam on occasion. Why can't I log in to any decent location though? I'll take a shack somewhere?! I'd just like to be able to log in. since I'm still paying for it and all :-/
  2. Most of the clubs that I visit seem to cater to 60 pluses reliving their glory years... I would love to visit a club that had dubstep _ drum&bass, maybe some alternative rock, etc... I'd even take the pop top 20... Any suggestions?
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