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Sami Snoodle

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Everything posted by Sami Snoodle

  1. I found it interesting that it was Torley Linden asking back in 2004: 10-04-2004 15:33 I am wondering about this. If you are seeing the same layout I am, which you probably are, then look to the upper-left-hand corner. You are seeing a flat hand with an open palm featuring five digits and a swirly -- what appears to be an eye of some sort -- in the palm of this hand. This, of course, is the Second Life (TM) logo. Also pictured here: http://secondlife.com/images/logo.gif And prominently on the splash screen itself. What does it mean? Does it have symbolic purpose? http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/_imgs/smileys/teeth.png
  2. Even further back in time: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/120/42/24083/1.html
  3. I used to favor the Metamorphoses Ultra Cat AV (Lilac Point Balinese) but that is no longer available and was getting to be a bit dated. Recently I switched to the newly released TWI Wildcat which has more than exceeding my expectation and is definitely worth every Linden. IM me in-world if you'd like to see one.
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