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Everything posted by kawaiineko123

  1. I've seen this happen to a few other people, but all of them said it was a computer. I went through all the steps they went through to fix their problem, but it doesn't work with mine (mainly because it's not a computer problem, but a viewer problem for me). I can't find anything on right clicks crashing the viewer, because of something in viewer.... But it's happened to me, and it's making it REALLY hard to get in-world... Can anybody help me out?
  2. I reccomend you look for this hair style at "Tram" hair or Magick. I've seen that style at both shops
  3. What happens is, when I switch shapes (even from different designers), the shape is always the same! I have no idea why, or how but my shape stays, and looks the same no matter what. I have relogged, rebaked textures, even switched viewers! But it is the same darn shape! I had a friend take pictures of the shapes (which are posted below) and then I took a picture of each shape and it turned out some much different from the pictures she took, and it was the same picture pretty much! I am wearing the same skin in everyone so that could affect the pictures a little. I would really appreciate the help, and thank you if you get around to answering! These are the pictures my friend took of the two shapes These are the ones I took! Some info: All of my viewers are up to date I have cleared my cache, and restarted my computer This happens on BOTH firestorm and second life
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