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  1. There are a few different flight AOs at Kuso, I believe. I know one is specificly for like..fairies and pixies, but I think there is another one for generic flight. Dunno if that will help, but worth looking perhaps?
  2. I had a demon getup on my old avi, and all I had I got from Violet Studios. I liked the variety they had there...for example I had a normal set and a cyber/robotic set. Not that there is anything at all wrong with Sinful Needs, but for me personally I just preferred the look of VS items. Though one thing I would say for VS or anywhere is if you can find mesh hooves, get them, because the awkwardness in the knee area of some sets can be maddening. x3 Just my two cents.
  3. Have you tried looking at curious kitties? Looks like something that would be sold there. I couldn't tell you what model if any if it is theirs, there are walls and walls of hairs, but it could be a good place to look.
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