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Amiko Littlebird

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Everything posted by Amiko Littlebird

  1. Well maybe I should try a different company... Any suggestions? Im kinda new to all of this. My question is I want a dark skin tone, and so far all the mesh heads that ihave seen use fair skins.... would I be able to apply what ever skin base I want to the other mesh heads or like The mesh Project Head I need to use a specialized skin?
  2. So Ive spent the better part of the last two days trying to understadn the Mesh Project Mesh head... Ive already notecarded the owner of the skin ( Flore) and the actual help desk of the Mesh Project but haven't heard back. Has anyone set up their Ava using this system and wouldn't mind helping me out. I am throughly confused and frustrated at this point. Thanks! Amiko Littlebird
  3. Saw this hair when I was looking at Elysium skins. Would love this or somthing simlaur. Just curly mesh looking hair would be awesome! Thanks! Photo Original Link
  4. Thanks Alex! And welcome back yourself... Definately say Hi to me in World.... Amiko Littlebird
  5. ThanksDawek!. Happy to be making a return
  6. Hi All! I am returning to SL after taking a few months off... Its actually almost been a year, but any whoo...I'll spare the details! Anyways, I just returned a few days ago and find myself hopeleso sly lost as to what to do. I can be quite shy and timid at first but open up around the right people. I'm looking for a friend or a few friends who wouldnt mind taking me under their wing and showing fun things to do in SL. Doesn't matter if its a guy or gal. The things i remember I used to love to do was shop, take photos( will need to upgrade my CPU first), role play & dance. Most of all I love to laugh! So scarasticly funny people please reply! A bit about myself- Kinda shy, but i'm chatt Kathy when I am around people I am confortable with. I love to laugh, Top 40 music, clothes shoes & hair ...although I have not been shopping since I have returned... I left right when Mesh was starting up so I only have a few mesh peices...Still looking at al the blogs before I take the linden plung! I'm mainly on during the weekend and an hour or two late nigh ts durning the week days. I currently live in the south. I dont mind talking SL & RL, but I dont share exact details ( safety first) Errr...I'm guess this maybe a bit too much to read, but ...Here goes! Thanks for your time :) Oh you can contact me here or in world... Amiko Littlebird
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