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Everything posted by XTheXDoctorX

  1. OK, so here's the deal, I have a Toshiba satellite, and I've been running windows 7, I was using phoenix, firestorm, and the original SL viewers (Not at the same time) and my second life ran perfectly. But then I upgraded to windows 8 and now my SL wont work... I've seen other posts about similar issues and nothing has helped, I found another viewer recently exodus beta, and even it has the same issue, I get up to the part where it says "Initializing VFS...." and then it crashes and I get a crash logger and it says " gathering hardware information, app may appear frozen" then "encoding files" sometimes and then "sending to server, try 1..." and then it closes and nothing.. Please someone help me I don't wanna lose my second life.....
  2. those arent the messages i recive, it says " gathering hardware information, app may appear frozen" then "encoding files" sometimes and then "sending to server, try 1..." and then it closes and nothing
  3. ok, so here's the deal, i have a Toshiba satelite, and i've been running windows 7, I was using phoenix, firestorm, and the original sl viewers (Not at the same time) and my secondlife ran perfectly. But then i upgraded to windows 8 and now my sl wont work... i've seen other posts about simaler issues and nothing has helped, i found another viewer recently exodus beta, and even it has the same issue, i get up to the part where it says "Initializing VFS...." and then it crashes and i get a crash logger.. please somone help me i dont wanna lose my secondlife.....
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