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Everything posted by IneedaClimax

  1. Alright this maybe considered double posting and if so I do appologize. I made purchase form MP got the notice it was delivered but before I could click on it to accept & save I crashed I waired 3 days before I came here for help,this is now day #4. I notecarded the merchant sent along copy of my invoice but got no response so came here for help also asked how to do a NC thought maybe I had done it wrong but no I did it correctly. Where and how can I find my purchases? I was told there is some way to find it by reset filters or something I would really like to know and yeas it is only L$ but L$'s are purchased with real money and it adds up and I really do not want to purchase the same thing AGAIN as it was a "fat pack" which is alot of lindes Can Could & Would somebody please HELP Thank You
  2. Alright this is kinda a double question. #1 I use the SL Viewer and it crashes alot and I have to clear my APPDATA like every other day about 2-3 times per week. What can I do aside from switching to a different viewer to fix this problem? And also due to these crashes I lose & miss ALOT of my notifications from groups,friends and MP purchases. I see the notification but before I can click on it if I crash when I log back in it is gone. Even the times I do not need to clear APPDATA this happens. So question # 2 is where can I can I find these lost & missed notifications and recover them. And again Simple very simple direcetions please as I said before I am No Computer Whiz Thanx
  3. Posts: 5 My purchase from marketplace was delivered but i crashed now i cannot find it. Right as I went to c on ‎03-01-201312:39 AM I made a purchase on marketplace got the Xstreet notice went to click on it to accept to my objects folder then right as i did i crashed when i logged back in notice was gone and cannot find my purchase check trash lost&found and objects Where can I find it and how? Simple diredtions please as I am not a computer whiz
  4. I made a purchase on marketplace got the Xstreet notice went to click on it to accept to my objects folder then right as i did i crashed when i logged back in notice was gone and cannot find my purchase check trash lost&found and objects Where can I find it and how? Simple diredtions please as I am not a computer whiz
  5. I understand that also But Each time I get incoming message while trying to say these Items it knocks them off I am not completely stupid and retarded. Please do not talk down to me as though I am? Thank You . I was just asking where to find items I mean after they have BEEN DELIVERED but for some reason they do not save into inventory. I got the X street SL magic box notice it was delivered and as I have stated This is not a one time isolated situation .. I am still waitng for a skirt to show up that i bought each and evey week of November ,because the designer the seller would not respond to my notecared or IM's and I think November to the end of January should be enough time. And it was the exact same thing as tonights issue Thank you for your time And as requested please do nont talk down to me? Help or no help Like me or not respect and class should prevail
  6. I did get the hair but not the manicure textures and a few other things Some I just left on desk top so I dont lose them as well
  7. Charlotte Dear Um I have checked received .and recent and App?datta and C drive and Even my libraries/ So any other suggestions? Please and thank you . And is this "flaired down & toned down " enough ? LOL EMO-tions.. *COLIEN* groupgift- wear to unpack owned by IneedaClimax gave you '.:EMO-tions.. *COLIEN* groupgift- wear to unpack' ( Skybox Rental (81,164,1729) ). [17:50] Xstreet SL Magic Box v3.0.11 w/ANS owned by an unknown user gave you 'AB // 10 Free manucure textures' ( BarbieLicious (137,159,1251) ). As you can see says it was delivered If you like I can show you what I get when I try to find item? If that would help? Thank You
  8. :smileyembarrassed::smileylol:Well seems that :smileymad: SL Is acting up.. Made some purchases on Market Past Got the little gray boxed on my desk top just fine,but... Thats it . t::smileyindifferent:_smiley-indifferent. I click the notification just like normal and it should save to my object file.:smileysurprised: But it does not:smileymad::smileymad: I have checked EVERY place I can think of and cannot find anywhere on my computer. First ti,e or thousand times it happened was kinda funny thought I did some thing wrong:matte-motes-big-grin-evil: Now it Is happening more and more and Found out I am doing it correctly :smileytongue::smileyvery-happy: Usually I just go back to Market Place and purchase all over again :smileyfrustrated::smileyembarrassed::smileyfrustrated: B:matte-motes-sick:ut that is getting to bee too expensive and making me sick the amount I am spending :matte-motes-sick::matte-motes-sick: On same things repeatedly. So Can somebody ANYBODY:heart::smileyfrustrated: HELP ME? Tell me where my stuff can be found? Pretty Please?:smileyvery-happy: I will luv you forever:heart::heart::matte-motes-kiss::matte-motes-inlove::matte-motes-kiss::heart::heart:
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