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Ravon Moorsider

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Everything posted by Ravon Moorsider

  1. Hello. I tried that, it didn't help. I now even delated the listing, renamed the item into 'black nat', uploaded it into the outbox again, created a new listing (no quick fill), and - the same **bleep** happened again. Now I can't even activate it. I will now submit a ticket. Thanks @ all for your help Ravon Moorsider Edit: I got it. It was the word 'natté' in the product description for whatever reasons.
  2. Thank you for your reply I tried it, but it didn't help, unfortunately. I tried a lot of other things too, but we have the pretty much same desrciption and keywords for all arab baggys and outfits, so don't know what else to. (I didn't know the thing with the X and it would never come into my mind that a single letter can be something adult since the children have to learn them all )
  3. Well, I try since a while to find out in what language 'natté' is a swear word. In french it's also a pigtail, in german there is Natter (a viper), in dutch 'natte' it's to sleet... interesting way to spend the day! It must be something in a dialect
  4. Hello I'm not sure if this is the right forum, I have trouble with the maturity level. I listed a product in the marketplace and called it ' [Moorsider] - Outfit - Black Natté ' Now I can't change the maturity level to G, it is only shown as adult, because: 'the text in the name field forced a change in the maturity level'. I simply can't see why words like Moorsider, outfit, black or natté (which is a weave) forces the adult maturity level. Where can I get help? I want this to be available for everyone, it's only an outfit and the demo to that outfit. Many thanks in advance Ravon Moorsider link: [Moorsider] - Outfit - Black Natté
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