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Posts posted by BerryChicago

  1. There are several groups for The Mesh Project inworld the one I frequent is the Mesh Project Groupies or Mesh Addicts.  We post questions and we try to answer from our own experiences.  We are not affiliated with the The Mesh Project we are just users and share our own experiences and fixes that we have found along the way.  Perhaps if you having troubles with the TMP items please try one of the inworld Groups someone is always ready to assist and if not we all band together to help out. 

    For all the nay sayers and negative feedback on this thread you are entitled to your opinion but it is not helpful to someone who has spent their rl money in lindens for a product they are having trouble with.  They came here and asked for help if you think telling them your negative feedback on the product is helpful it is not.  I am sure it is frustrating to the person wanting and asking for help to read it instead of the help they desire.  Make a blog and voice your negative thoughts there for people who want to read them but when someone ask for help they want help.

    I am asking you to please just consider keeping your negative thoughts to yourself instead of making the person feel bad about what they have spent thousands of lindens on. 

    If anyone needs help with their TMP body or Head I have had them since they first hit the market you are welcome to IM inworld if I don't answer here as I am not in this forum often.

  2. I bought my first pair of breast last night, I had been using tattooing and shading to make the curves better on the avatar shape.  I looked at the lolas and they reminded me of super fake and were overwhelming large (Dolly Pardon or Pam Anderson like).  Actually with the shadowing and tattooing many men asked was I wear lolas and I would always proudly say no these are my natural avi  breast.  But today I wore my Vstrings for the very first time and my BF went wild he was so definite about me not getting enhancements until he saw the Vstring in person today.  He even enjoyed the spurts of milk from the nipples (he's a perv lol).  i must say that using the lolas applier from my skin maker was a slight disappointment because it is close to my skin color but I can see lines that don't look smooth and can be a give away you are wearing an enhancement.  But I also must say it was a smoother look than the demos I tried of other brands.  Breast is an individual choice so try all of them in the demo form and make the best selecion for you personal preferences.  And if you have a partner, bf or best buddy that is male why not get their opinion of the demos as you try them.  Good luck and would love to hear which you picked and why.

  3. I moved to a new parcel and I get about 20 intruders a day landing looking for an old German gay venue.  One day I came home and guy was there nude with full erect **bleep**.  I would like to know if I can record activity in my house when I am not there.  I have an orb and ejects people but I come home and pose balls are rezzed and can't figure out what is going on in my house.  The only thing I can think of is to have a security camera like I have in RL that records anyone who comes into my house and what they do in my home.  Is there something I can legally use and buy for my Second Life home?


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