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Everything posted by SadieSade

  1. First of all I did not state that all DJ's are worthless and a good DJ as you so put it would not need to be charging a fee. If they are as good as they claim, i would imagine they would be able to make a killing off the tips alone not to mention ALL the clubs headhunting for them but the reality is nobody is that good. So as mentiomed its the motive behind the deed some are motivated by the love of music and others by the need to make Lindens at the expense of anothers hard work in actually setting up a decent venue for people to play and have fun...yes the club owner No one in the clubbing scene has balls golden enough to deserve a fee they play for tips like everyone else i have seen the same DJ's playing for free in some of the more established clubs but then demanding a fee from someone not as established why ? Because they know they can, and that does not make them a good DJ it makes them a person who is taking advantage. And i have yet to see a club in SL that has broken even nevermind actually making a profit, so on that basis we ARE volunteers and SL would be such a dull empty place without us
  2. Having read the post i replied to instead of speed reading through and posting i should point out that original my reply was not meant to reflect badly on the poster but yes my point is still valid and the response i gave about paying an entrance fee is the standard one i give to staff who expect to be paid. Yes i do realise time spent on putting music together ect can be time consuming and at times an expenditure but club owners also have expenditures its not a case of my **bleep** is worse than your **bleep** and like was stated nobody is forcing anyone to do anything against their will the choice was theirs alone. What should be questioned is the motive behind the things we do , i could describe some DJ 's as nothing more than glorified beggers who use the fact that they spin a few tunes badly as a tool to farm lindens from gullible desperate clubs and i could describe some club owners as powertripping egomaniacs with no sense of style or empathy for anything other than themselve. Well thats SL for you
  3. Been reading these posts and i would just like to run a quote from one of the posts ... " like RL bussiness except they forget that RL we pay our staff, something most forget in SL,lol " Ok fair enough so as a club owner on the basis of the quote given i will charge vip's and anyone else for that matter an entrance fee just for that DJ's sets then the DJ will get 25% of any take the club makes as club overheads also need to be balanced out.....is all that RL enough for you ? How many people do you think would turn up for that DJ;s set ? I think it would be safe to say 0 for an eternity. So lets cut the excuses no one is important enough to expect a payment we are all volunteers here in SL nobody forces us to do what we do that includes club owners we are all the same here and asking payment for a service which by all accounts should be freely given for the fun and enjoyment of purly being able to do it, is showing me that they do not have those qualitys mentioned and also would not be a very good DJ to have in the first place I personally would NOT take on anyone who expects payment those type of DJ's prey on clubs that are new and need to establish traffic and of course certain club owners give in and pay them the sweetner, they pay a dozen DJ's who do not give a damn about the club and the club fails due to a foolish owner blowing lindens on staff who do not posses the right attitude needed...fact.
  4. Hi we are a new club on the scene the genre is Rock be it classic rock, punk or black metal. We are currently looking for DJ's & Hosts, the posts involve 100% tips so you get to keep all that you earn. If you have the time and commitment please IM myself SadieSade or send me a notecard to arrange for informal interview Contact for all positions : SadieSade
  5. Hello i am Sadie, we are looking to recruit DJ's, music genre classic rock/metal to present day. You will be working for 100% tips and do not worry if for example your bag is just 90's metal or 70's rock we would still like to hear from you. So if you fit the description or are a working DJ who would like to play a few extra sets, please feel free to contact me 'Sadiesade' with a message or contact one of the managers 'Girl or Lianie' Or feel free to visit the club and speak to a staff member. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Classic%20Rock/226/66/21
  6. I try not to mix RL with SL, i have done so on the odd occasion and it only gave me the feeling that my privacy was being intruded upon. If i really wanted to share private personnal details with somebody who to all effects is a stranger to me online there are plenty of aternative websites other than SL. I come onto SL to forget and escape from RL not to talk about it or share it with others, i was even a bit apprehensive about putting up a real world snapshot and really have no interest in what a person does in RL apart from what country they reside in and age so unless they personnally chose to advertise something they do in RL that catches my interest i would much prefer to keep all conversations SL only.
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