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Everything posted by MelanieDew

  1. What does that mean? they are at the sim "Lolas" What should I do with that information? Just that .. How do you go to a sim named Lolas?
  2. I cannot find or get a straight answer of where to find "Lolas Tangos" breasts. NOT appliers. I have searched the marketplace through thousands of items looking for Lolas Tangos breasts. Not the thousands of items saying compatible with or appliers, but the actual breasts. I have found the "puffy" brand, the A-01 brand, cannot find the Lola brand. I have searched the marketplace, the forums, outside SL, wiki ...I cannot find the actual place to buy the breasts. Am I understanding this correctly? You need the tangos before any of the appliers will work? (PLeeeease DO NOT answer with a search the marketplace!! comment or a marketplace link unless it is the 1 and only 1 item I'm looking for)
  3. Why can't I buy $L in the marketplace? I have all my cc information entered. It worked fine the first time yesterday. I am new. Today I tried and it gave me a credit limit. I couldn't find anywhere that says I would have a spending limit. So I increased my credit limit. Now I have US credit and no $L Now what do I do?
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