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Posts posted by Heavyhauler

  1. One thing I do sometimes is rez a cube, then stretch the sides to make a platform, say 20 meters by 20 meters, or bigger or smaller depending on what I'm making. I give the platform a name, say house01. Then I build on top of the platform. When I'm ready, I drag select everything. I try to leave the platform for last. But if it isn't, I hold down Shift, left click the platform to Deselect it, then while still holding down Shift, I left click the platform again. That Selects it for you. When you TAKE the prims, the platform is last and in your inventory, it will have the name you give your build.
    You can even rez your build and while it's still Selected, raise it a little and slide a named platform under it.

    Happy building. :0)


  2. Hi there. This is something that's been on my mind for many years. You might call it a cautionary tale. Recently, I have been talking to some friends about this and got to thinking I should post it.
    Many years ago on an older account, I started a club and had a small parcel at the beginning that as time passed went from that to a quarter of a sim, then moved to a Homestead sim. I think there were several hundred members at the end. I had a great group of guys that helped me run and take care of things, with many dances and group events. To be honest, I didn't make it what it became, it was the members and guys that helped me. It took on a life of it's own seems like. It became one of the larger gay places in SL at the time. Loved it!

    However, as time passed, I couldn't handle the notoriety. I got the big head and thought I was SOMEBODY and began making mistakes and bad choices. Much to my regret, that cost me a lot in the long run. Karma and all that. I still have land though and love to build and have another group that's smaller. I have it to keep people updated on avatars and things I make. That's what I spend most of my time doing now.

    I let a lot of people down near the end and they didn't deserve it. They were the very ones that made the club what it was. I am sorry. 

    There are club owners I've known over the years that are still going strong with very successful clubs, people I admire.  If you currently run a club or are thinking of starting one, please be mindful of your actions and decisions and don't screw up like I did.

    Take care, Heavy

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  3. I hit Accept the Risk and went to the site. I don't think I even looked at that.
    When Fritigern Gothly  mentioned false positives, I remembered having those before, so I didn't worry about it.  :0) 


  4. On 2/23/2018 at 8:18 PM, Cuddlebeam said:

    I, uh... Fixed it without buying anything. I just didn't have Export to SL/OpenSim pressed...


    I can now make Giant/Tiny/etc avatar with no problem... Thank you for your help.

    I'll have to give that a try. At one time I used Deformers that I made. SL still supports them, but you can't upload them anymore. Got tons of em for various joints. Still use them in fact for some avatars. At one time I used Blender 2.49b ( I think that was it ) to adjust the SL skeleton and made several in various sizes. I need to look into what you did sometime. I don't do rigged mesh, but I use scults or non-rigged mesh body parts and attach them to the modded skeletons

    I can't see paying for Avastar to do just one thing.


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  5. 2 minutes ago, Akasha Sternberg said:

    I think the problem for the majority of the groaners here is... if something works and you can choose to be on or offline... it´s fine. The point is not being able to choose and be forced to be offline (at least I hope so ^^ addiction isn´t cool mhkay? Anything in between - this too will pass ;)

    Like.. I went nuts when my desktop PC was broken and I didn´t have a laptop... if it was turned off... ok... but not working - HELL to the NO!!!!!!!

    Addicted? NEVER! Spoiled a good bit, absolutely! :0)


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