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Everything posted by KarjamP

  1. I thought I've already tried through the previous post. Does anyone click on links?
  2. What makes you say that? Also, most of the computers out there have Windows installed on them, as well as Flash. Also, Adobe has some reasons why you can use Flash.
  3. Well, it's powerful enough to run Unreal Engine, that's one. If one wants to see if Second Life can run in HTML5, then they can try compiling it in Emscripten. That is, if they can find the libraries required for it.
  4. Okay, that prooves that HTML5 can be used as a platform for a virtual world. If one wants to port it to HTML5 (which not all browsers support, and not too fully by some other browsers unless they have plugins), then one can use Emscripten to port it. Sorry that I've got angry, it's just that I don't want to hear people saying "Flash is dead", "I don't want to support old technology", "HTML5 is killing Flash", etc. because I don't think those are true. Like I've said in my previous post (which I've edited to make more sence), HTML5 may replace it as the dominant tech, but it won't kill it outright (Okay, I've added a word here and deleted one).
  5. HTML5 killing Flash is a myth according to here. Sure, HTML5 would eventually dominate the market, it doesn't mean Flash would be deprecated. Adobe seems to be repurposing it for web-based programs like games (like that Unreal Engine example). Also, it said that the working draft for HTML5 is closed ("meaning nothing more can be added or significantly changed") in 2009. It's not outdated if current features of Flash can run Unreal Engine. If this doesn't say about "Flash is dying", then Adobe has a very detailed roadmap detailing developement of the Flash Player. If it is dying, then why is Flash still being improved upon? Sorry if I came about as rude, it's just that I don't think it's dying. Yes, HTML5 may replace it as the dominant tech, but it won't kill it.
  6. I didn't start this topic to discuss "Flash is dying, HTML5 is taking over". I started it to discuss whenever to port the viewer to Flash. Flash is still available as a plugin for major PC browsers, and IE10 and Google Chrome both still have it built in. Besides, even if there's no plugins for Mac OS X or something like that, the dominant computers are ones with Windows operating systems, not IMacs. If one wants a client for smartphones, then one can develope a version FOR the smartphones. Even if GPL-based coding can't be used, it's possible to do a Clean room design on the client itself to recreate it without the GPL'd components.
  7. Second Life dynamically downloads assets, as the world's objects, avatars, buildings, etc. are made by the people who made it. Which is why it's always downloads stuff. Of course, you may have already know that. :smileytongue: The client itself is only about approx 30MB compared to the over (i guessing) 100MB that the Unreal Engine demo has (it downloads all the assets in one go). By the way, Flash isn't dying, as it's still supported by Adobe. Why wouldn't they make Flash this powerful if it didn't? Even if HTML5 replaces Flash, Flash would still be used (if not for web apps and games, then for animations). For now, though, HTML5 is primitive compared to Flash. Why can't we support Flash now? If HTML5 ever gets as advanced as Flash as well as having a C++ compiler for it like what Flash currently has, then we can consider supporting HTML5. See this for myths about HTML5. One of it is about it killing Flash. Another one is "HTML5 won’t be ready till 2022." (quoted from the article).
  8. This article would explain why saying HTML5 would replace flash is nonsense. While it may eventually replace Flash as a common tool, it doesn't mean Flash would be phrased out. In fact, Adobe is currently making it powerful enough to run console-quality games. It can run Unreal Engine games, as revealed here. In other words, it'll be repurposed to have other uses on the web like web game developement. Therefore, I say we can still port it to Flash.
  9. Adobe released a C/C++ compiler targeting the Flash Player. http://gaming.adobe.com/technologies/flascc/ Perhaps there can now be a bowser based viewer because of this? It's a free tool, but only if you sign up to their "Creative Cloud" membership (which is also free, BTW).
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