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  1. I was a dancer on stage. No guards, only one stick figured person that warns people off the stage. Funny it happened after a half hour of dancing. I think the owner and manager set me up is what happened I bet. I maybe a exotic dancer but sure as heck no one should be rushing the stage, making lewd comments, sexual jestures and bending me over to rape me is a good way to act. I got told to grow a tougher skin and get used to it. Like hell, I will. I wave violated and I don't have to take it.No wonder Shae can't keep dancers with people like that coming in.
  2. I got fired from a workplace that allowed harassment from people while I was on stage instead of fixing the problem, while they was having a business meeting during that time. They fired me and no guards was present other than a stick guard and he doesn't do anything period. So is it right for me getting fired over cause i called for help over channel for a guard to come help me out with a bunch of molesting guests? And after that I needed a moment to myself to get my head back into the game? If this is what I can expect and I have feeling it was setted up too. Cause it was awful weird that I was in the club alone and no guards and me having to fend for myself while they was having a meeting elsewhere. I won't name names but thank you so very friggin much for dropping the ball, firing me cause I asked for help when I was suppose to and then banning me from the place cause I got upset with how the staff handled it. Being honest I feel like I go paroled from there and taking 30 percent of tips is for the birds too.
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