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Posts posted by Kara9999

  1. If I try to view anything with an adult tag on the marketplace I keep seeing this message:

    This item is rated Adult, which exceeds your chosen maximum maturity level of General - View item anyway

    Never used to do this and its very annoying when I'm trying to browse through a few different things. Lots of outfits that aren't adult items can have such a tag applied so its spoiling my use of the store. Is there a way to turn this off?  It's even worse when some pages require me to log back in as I have to go to the sign in page then come back and click the message to get in. The site seems to be signing me off at random too.

    I've tried going to pages when I'm already logged in and it still happens so at a loss.

  2. I've been a Premium member for about a month and accepted the free house.  However since then I've gone on and rented some land off a Linden and built a club/fun area for a group of friends its become my new home.  Pretty much means I no longer need the Premium house and I'm not so sure the benefits membership provides are worth me paying anymore.

    Someone suggested that it might be possible to donate the premium land I was given (after deleting the house) to the Group and land area where my new place is.  But if I do this and then cancel the Premium membership will that land be pulled from the group?  Or once donated does it belong to the receiver?


  3. If click to use the Search facility my character makes the sound of a cow mooing.  I can't find anything in the options to disable this option and it might sound funny but can be ridiculous at times especially when in the middle of a conversation and you just want to search something.  Is there a way to disable this?  I'm using the Mac version.


    Edit. I should say its the Phoenix Firestorm viewer.

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