what is the best viewer for SL with Windows 8??? when i use SL viewer it keeps blinking on and off. surely by now someone has a viewer compatible with windows 8...
Well seems there is no way to make any of the viewers work with Windows 8, so as a premium player I will have toquit being a premium member and give you all time to play catchup.
I upgraded to windows 8 and all programs in my PC work fine except the viewers. I get a message saying "SecondLife did not install video cards properly, are out of date. Contact SL support portal. What do I need to do?
1. My new home is missing the fireplace. 2. The house looks like it is capable of a second floor. What do I need to do to add the second floor??? 3. How do I toggle the in and outside lights? 4. Is there a way to launch (rez) a yacht and sail in the Lnden Sea??? 5. How do I issue permission for another person to unlock and have access/utilize the house?