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Everything posted by YvonneK

  1. what is the best viewer for SL with Windows 8??? when i use SL viewer it keeps blinking on and off. surely by now someone has a viewer compatible with windows 8...
  2. Is the Second Life viewer working on windows 8?
  3. YvonneK

    What to do now

    Well seems there is no way to make any of the viewers work with Windows 8, so as a premium player I will have toquit being a premium member and give you all time to play catchup.
  4. I have Googled and Binged for a viewer that works on windows 8 but none work.
  5. I upgraded to windows 8 and all programs in my PC work fine except the viewers. I get a message saying "SecondLife did not install video cards properly, are out of date. Contact SL support portal. What do I need to do?
  6. Now that I increased the sq. meters on my house, how do I add the second floor???
  7. How many prims are ther in the escalation of tiers?
  8. No control over the Avatar's movements. How can i just point on the floor and make her get there without her going all over the place?
  9. You become a Premium Member. It cost 22.50 quarterly,
  10. YvonneK


    I purchsed all 6 skins for the DELISH complete Avatar, but did not get her face. Did I do somthing wrong??? Please help.
  11. YvonneK


    I purchsed all 6 skins for the DELISH complete Avatar, but did not get her face. Did I do somthing wrong??? Please help.
  12. YvonneK

    Avatar Issues

    I am using Firestorm. Avatar continues to rez as an orange cloud. Where or what can I do to get it working? It's on it's third day, please help.
  13. YvonneK

    Avatar Issues

    My Avatar is not showing up on ANY of the viewers. I get iclouds and I have logiin What is wrong?
  14. YvonneK

    New Home Usage

    1. My new home is missing the fireplace. 2. The house looks like it is capable of a second floor. What do I need to do to add the second floor??? 3. How do I toggle the in and outside lights? 4. Is there a way to launch (rez) a yacht and sail in the Lnden Sea??? 5. How do I issue permission for another person to unlock and have access/utilize the house?
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