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Posts posted by st0mp

  1. I am looking looking for a job as a dancer, host, model, manger, or photographer.

    I currently have a small studio when it comes to photography, and I'm currently looking for clients, so if you're looking for a photographer, I'm your girl!

    I've also worked as a dancer, host, model, and manager. 
    I'd also be willing to do other work; Escorting (Text, no cam or voice), 
    I'd work in a school, I could work as a counsellor, substitute, etc.
    Anything and everything - I'm a quick learner and I'll be willing to try anything. 
    Please contact me inworld

    -st0mp resident.

  2. Hello,

    I have experience in dancing, as a sales rep and some modeling. I would prefer not to work in a club or do any escorting. I would like a job doing either modeling, or as a sales rep; I am willing to learn something different also. 

    please contact me inworld if you're interested.

    Thank you :)
    (st0mp resident)

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