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Kyros Raleigh

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Everything posted by Kyros Raleigh

  1. I'm with you DA74. Seeing all these people like this does kinda give you that out of place feeling. However, I couldn't care less! As a man who logs into SL. I love chatting with beautiful women or in this case beautiful avas. However this trend of this sad lips has clearly kept me away from them. I know it's the younger crowd doing this mostly but come on none of that is attractive. Who would want to bother getting to know an emo girl? Or a girl who thinks having excessively wide hips is sexy? Or that fish lips is hot? Her sense of fashion is so out of whack I even notice it as a guy. Come on people! I can't be the only guy in SL who thinks like this. Men step up! Speak out! This isn't normal! Real women don't look like this! To anyone who thinks I'm a bad person for judging. There's something you must understand, I can't change what I'm attracted to and if a woman wants to look like a fish I won't bother her. Send the message out! Men don't like this look.
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