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Everything posted by MarqueesN9ne

  1. I've been logging on and off in Second Life for two years now. When I log on, I look around and notice that many people already have their own groups, or just have no interest in making friends because they are in relationships. How do people make friends so easily? I feel as if everyone else just walks into a room and they just automatically click with everyone. Maybe the problem is that i'm too quiet? I have a nice avatar, spend lindens when I want, but that fun can only last for so long when by myself. Are people not messaging me because I have my first life section filled out, do a lot of people get intimidated by that? Another thing that I have noticed is, why are most places so empty? Where is everyone at, (besides the BDSM places)? If you have any advice on how I can make my self more noticable, or maybe you relate and want to share anything, just respond back to this, thanks!
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