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  1. I completely understand what you're talking about. They either ignore me or act like I'm an idiot for saying hello. I'm like, everyone talks about how friendly people are and how everyone wants to make friends. Not having much luck ): I added you though!
  2. Thanks for the advice! I'll try not to be so shy like I am in RL!
  3. So obvs by the subject name I'm new here. I guess like a lot of people I'm having a hard time figuring everything out and I feel like an idiot because everyone talks about how easy it is to make friends here, but I seem to be having trouble. I know it's ridiculous to feel shy and nervous when it's a virtual world, but I'm like this in real life and I'm still afraid of rejection so it takes a lot for me to get up the courage to talk to people. Any advice on making friends for a newbie? :) And if you wanna be friends, lemme know :D
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