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Posts posted by brightacs

  1. Hi! Guys I have designed a HUD menu with 17 prims,but I have to rez it first on a parcel and then attach to a avatar.As the prim numbers allowed on a parcel is limitted.How Can I desgin a HUD menu with less then 2 prims and finished the functions of attachment with all the button functions work well.Each of the buttons has a seperate function and seperate names on it.They are different.

  2. Hi! Everybody.I used this function llSetPrimMediaParams() to show web page on a HUD
    But the web page can be seen on when using some viewers,and the user should left click the HUD or clciks the button reload to see the web page,but when using some viewers the web page can not be seen

     I have checked those viewers Second Life viewer , Phoenix viewer , Phoenix Firestorm viewer , Catnzip viewer , Singularity viewer .Second Life viewer can show web page properly. Phoenix viewer and Singularity viewer can not show web page . Phoenix Firestorm viewer and Catnzip viewer can not show web page directly , but can show web page properly after the user left clicks the HUD web page or clicks the button "Reload".


    Do you know why?

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