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Jewels Palmira

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Everything posted by Jewels Palmira

  1. Hey I'm always up for exploring its usually what I do, but I haven't been in world long enough to make any friends ( I left for a few years), so I'm always alone... I would live to have someone to chat and venture around with. IM me sometine Jewels.Palmira
  2. Yes, I hadn't thought about looking for a coffee shop in world. It's definitely a great idea! I will trying it for sure.
  3. Haha, no it doesn't, you would hope it would due to that fact that finding naked avies is not all that hard to do! If only that was the key to striking up a convo in SL. I will heed your warning about Al bots though, Thank you! You definitely saved me from the 'second' date. :-D
  4. That video is so true, I've sadly done that before.... We do hold in so many of our feelings due to being nervous or embarrassed by what the other would think, and the funny thing is, is half the time the other person is probably thinking the same thing. Thank you for your reply!
  5. I'm a coffee shop person in RL too, I don't frequent the club sense. If our social lives depending on the IM button I fear we'd all be lonely. :-) Haha
  6. Thank you everyone for all your comments, and for your pointers! I will be giving those a go. I never thought about only new comers using the local chat. My avatar brithday really confuses people, because in a sense I am very new to SL. I downloaded and tried to play back in 2009, but my graphics card wouldn't load the game well. I left game for almost two years and just came on not to long ago. I really like the idea of just letting all the 'normal' rules of socializing go, it's a bit daunting to think of doing but I know it would help me immensely. I get so worried that I'm bothering someone that I end up not talking at all. So I will brave the rejection (haha) and give all your advise a try. Thank all for taking time out of your day to reply. :-D Have a wonderful Tuesday!
  7. Thank you both! Yes I'm learning that SL has a different way of making conversations work then I'm use to! The IM button always scared me because I thought that was 'to personal' for a stranger. So working on my braveness and trying the IM option haha! And working on my profile! :-D
  8. Hello everyone,I'm new to the forums and still firguring out SL :-) I tend to be shy at first, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy chatting, I love it and I'm using SL to help me overcome my shyness. You know what I'm talking about, when you see an avie standing there by themselves and you have that internal battle... - I'm going to go say hello! As you walk over your brain starts talking to you... ~Are you sure you wanna do that... they are probably busy, I betcha he has a girlfriend who’ll kill him if he talks to you, or it’s a girl who has a group of really close female friends and is not about to let you into the group, or it’s a guy who’ll want you to put a collar on so he can ‘own’ you for a bit -Yea your right, maybe it’s not a good idea….....But maybe they are just busy and they might be a pretty nice person, so I’ll wait to see if they walk around a bit…. So you find a place to sit while trying really hard not to look like a stalker! ~Haha you look really stupid now, just sitting here~ - Fine you know what I'm just going to do it! I can walk up to a stranger and say Hi! You walk up, pushing your nerves aside. Click on the chat bar and type.... Hello :-) ............. .................. ..................... Five minutes later no reply... then they vanish! Welcome to the story of my SL life! :-)
  9. Aww... Yes we need to get a group started. At least we could all be 'alone' together haha! :-D I'm definitely up for some retail therapy!
  10. Hello Lexi! How are you? I know exactly how you feel. I battle with my SL social life every time I log on haha, I have very few people on my friends list, I am way to shy for my own good with most people at first, once someone actually comes over and talks to me then let the talking begin. I would love to have some female friends to chat, shop and just visit with! I'm not online looking to 'date' anyone so male friends don't really work very well either.... So I log on and just sit by the beach and read a book (in RL) hoping for someone to strike up a conversation... I know I really need to just GO talk to someone! But if your ever online and would like someone to chat, shop or just hang out with, I'd love to visit! :-)
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