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Posts posted by AbbeyRosella90

  1. :) Heyy, I like it but im so confused about alot of things, I have met another person to help me out but I dont mind having another helper :) I can't get on second life as much as I can during the week because my college had terrible service but durning the weekend im on a different times. Add me if you like  

  2. So I'm feel like drawing but I don't know what do draw >~< 

    I'm trying to draw more than just anime character so any one have any idea's? 

    I hope if I get good enough I might  be able to sell some art work . 

    So Please if you could help me think of something ill or you like me to try to draw an idea you have please let me know :) Ill be able to try. 


    Thanks for taking time to read my post. 

    <3 Abbey 

  3. Hello, My name is AbbeyRosella, but you can call me Abs or Abbey 

    I'm very new to Second life and I like to make friends, friends who may be able to help me out 


    I love making new friends, I'm very talkive and I hope to hear from some one :) 

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